Terror vs Brat

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"Terror," he barked.

"It's Tar-"

He interrupted, "Don't even correct me. What are you doing here?"

I glanced over at Layla, and stuttered, "Uh n-nothing."

"Oh really?" he questioned crossing his arms.

I folded my hands and looked down, "Yes."

"Well that's weird because to me it looks like you're spying on me," he snickered.

"Well I guess maybe," I scratched my head, "but so is Layla."

She intervened, "To be fair this was all of her idea. I just tagged along."

I peered over at her wide-eyed, "Layla."

"What? You agreed to taking the blame if he caught us and was enraged," she explained.

Beck scoffed.

Well that was kind of rude.

"Why am I not surprised?" he shook his head.

"Hey, I had my reasons."

"And what were those? I mean come on. You really wanted to follow me to see what I do everyday after school," he fumed.

Duh. Was it not obvious?

"Yes, I actually did," I confessed.

"Why?" he asked setting his skateboard against my vehicle.

"I was curious."

"Haven't you ever heard of the little saying 'curiosity killed the cat'?" he stated.

"I tried telling her," Layla butted in.

"Lay," I turned toward her and smacked her leg.

"If I remember correctly we made a deal stating I'll try to be at the meetings as soon as possible as long as you didn't yell at me for it."

I nodded.

"Well maybe I should have added that you can't follow me and spy on me to see what I'm doing. And to remind you what I do is none of your business. Okay?" he explained harshly.

"Honestly, Brat, it is slightly part of my business. You being a part of MY decorating committee is my business. Okay?" I sassed.

"News flash it really isn't. And damn I really wish Mrs. Greene would have let me take that detention. It's a whole lot better then sitting around and being with you."

"Oh really?" I sat up leaning closer to the window.

"Beck, can we go?" the blonde little girl pleaded.

He turned around and nodded, "We will in a minute. I'm just talking to some friends."

"Oh we're friends now?" I asked fake smiling.

"No not even close. Layla sure, you no," he alleged turning back towards me.

I rolled my eyes, "Well that's real fair."

"Why would I ever want to be friends with you? All you ever do is complain, nag, and ridicule anything that I say or do. Do you want to know why I call you Terror?" he snarled.

"Yes I do," I answered crossing my arms.

He was starting to get on my last nerve, and making my blood boil.

He stood as close as he could to the window and stared at me.

"Because you are a literal Terror. You don't have anything nice to say at all when it comes to me. The only time I have ever seen you "be happy" is when you're drooling at Josh," he complained.

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