Play Date Pt. 1

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Distractions. They are honestly the greatest things to exist to assist you in forgetting about your problems for a minute. Sitting in the passenger seat, of Layla's Chevy Malibu, observing all the buildings that went past my window I was thankful for this moment. I looked back in the backseat for a brief moment and saw Noah pouting gazing out the window. I kept my laughter inside and knew exactly why he was like that.

Layla texted me earlier and said that she would pick me up from my house after school for when we hangout. Being her best friend I automatically get the say in having the passenger seat. It's like an unspoken rule in any friendship. When I opened the door I saw Noah's butt sitting in my seat smiling at me.

Layla and I tried to explain to him that the seat was always for me even if her and Noah were a 'thing.' But of course he, being the male species, didn't quite understand the whole point in the rule. So there I was standing in my driveway bickering with Noah for five minutes about how that was my spot. No matter what I said he wouldn't get out so I had to pull out the big guns.

I told him that if he didn't get out in the next five seconds I would lick his hand. In retrospect I acknowledged how unsanitary it would be and that most men don't care if you do that. Somehow in my brain I knew that if he was anything like my best friend he would be grossed out and accept defeat.

He looked at me like he was calling my bluff so I grabbed his hand and stuck out my tongue and started counting down from five. I could see the look of disgust written on his face as my tongue got closer to his hand and I was at three. He shot up out of the car and put his hands up in defeat telling me that I was ballsy but also gross. I laughed as we both got into our respected seats. Ever since then he has been pouting in the backseat of the car.

"So tell me again why we are going to the park? No offense but that doesn't seem like how you two hangout," I questioned, peering at Layla.

She turned the corner and responded, "Well it's really not. We usually end up playing video games or chilling on the couch watching T.V. at Noah's place."

"So why the park?"

Noah leaned forward closer to the front seats and stated, "Honestly I didn't tell Josh about just the three of us hanging out. He tends to stop by unannounced quite often when Layla is over and I didn't want to make it awkward for you."

I looked at him and smiled, "Oh, well that's kind of you Noah."

"Well I have some class, unlike some people I know," he teased.

Layla and I laughed at his joke knowing right well that he was bringing up about what happened earlier. She parked her car next to the sidewalk as we arrived at the park. The three of us hopped out of her car and immediately headed for the swings. It wasn't super busy but there were a handful of children and their parents meandering around.

"So I don't know about you guys but I'm excited for prom," I bubbled, swaying on my swing.

Layla kicked some wood chips and chirped, "Oh I'm ready to get a little wild."

I chuckled with Layla and saw Noah stare at me with a look of concern. He had 'what did I get myself into' written all over his face.

"Should I be worried?" he leered, still appearing like a deer in the headlights.

I shook my head and smirked, "No, it's like only one notch above her normal self. You'll be fine."

"Okay good," he sighed a breath of relief. "Honestly for me it's kind of bittersweet."

"Why's that?" I asked.

He stared straight ahead and explained, "Well it's my last high school dance ever. It's the last prom I'll ever attend. It's just like one last hoorah before I head off to Utah State University in the fall."

Layla and I glanced at each other with melancholy looks on our faces. It was depressing to hear Noah say that because he was becoming a great friend and Layla was quite fond of him.

"But," he turned towards us and continued, "I'm grateful for you guys making my last few months so fun. Tara you're really becoming like a sister to me and honestly Layla you're an amazing girl to get to know. And man I'm going to miss Josh because that dude is awesome at basketball and an overall fun guy. I really hope the three of you continue to be a tight knit friend group even after I leave."

"Aww Noah," Layla groaned, standing up.

She stood in front of Noah and enveloped him in a big hug, as he did the same. It was a wholesome sight to see and honestly I felt left out.

"You're going to make me cry, man," I stood up and joined their little hug.

We all stood there enveloped in a big group hug and I could hear Layla sniffling. I let go and saw a single tear fall down her cheek, which made my heart hurt. I could tell that she cared for him and I really hoped he felt the same for her. We all took a step away from each other and I noticed my best friend wipe the tear from her cheek.

"Man I hate emotions. I'm going to grab a tissue from my car, I'll be right back," she divulged.

Noah and I watched her walk away and then I peered up at Noah with a stern look on my face.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Do you care about her?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Well of course I do. She's like the best girl I've ever met."

"You know that if you hurt her I will literally hurt you," I pointed at him.

He nodded and chuckled, "Trust me I don't plan on it. I really like her but I don't want to take things too fast. Sooner than later I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend I promise."

"You better," I smirked.

"Hey guys, guess who I found," Layla quipped, walking over to us.

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