Week 1: Day 1

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"POTTER, WAKE UP! AND YOU- WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, GET UP! I. WANT. BREAKFAST!!" Dudley stomped into the room, early the next morning.

"Fine, fine, we're coming!" Harry groaned.

Dudley left, loudly slamming the door.

Draco sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Have a nice night, Potter?" He snickered.

"Very nice. I love the cold, hard floor." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you do."

"We'd better hurry. Whatever your routine is, don't do it. It'll probably take too long."

"My routine isn't as long as you think. What, you think I have some skincare and makeup routine every morning? Pathetic. It only takes me about 20 minutes to get ready. 5 minutes getting dressed and the rest for my hair."

"Well, don't spend as much time on it. They don't really care how you look, just on your performance of cooking and cleaning."

"Alright, whatever."

Once Draco was finally ready, (it took longer than hoped) he and Harry started to head down the stairs.

"Remember, they think we're friends, but don't act too friendly. They hate my friends. Don't act like my enemy either, they think they're the only ones who can beat up on me." Harry reminded.

"Yes, yes, I've got it, Potter."

"What took you so long, boy?" Vernon walked up to him from the sitting room.

"Sorry, sir. We'll get started right away. "

"Well, hurry up with it!" He slapped Harry's face, nearly knocking the wind out of him, as he lost his balance.

Draco caught him, remembering what Harry had said about how he was supposed to behave, and hesitated for a moment.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine. Let's go make breakfast. Have you done any muggle cooking before?"

"Why would I have? I'm a Pureblood, not some filthy muggle."

"What about cleaning?" Harry sighed.

"We have house elves for that."

"Looks like I've got more work to do.."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I'll teach you how to cook and clean. Hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty!" He smirked as he slipped into the kitchen.

"I think I can manage a little dirt." Draco grumbled as he followed.

Harry carefully guided Draco through the steps of cooking the breakfast, on how to properly stir the eggs, cook the bacon, and most importantly, how to work the stove.

Draco followed along, making sure to take it all in to remember. Of course, he knew he wouldn't be able to master it immediately, but, he would try to at least be so-so. He started by doing what he currently did know, which was setting the table.

After breakfast, (most of it ended up spat all over Harry, the rest was on the floor) Harry taught Draco how to sweep and mop the floors while he wiped the counters.

They successfully finished the kitchen, and moved on to the sitting room, where Harry taught Draco how to use a vacuum. Let's just say, it didn't go too well, but eventually worked out. (Draco hated it's noise, nearly threw it across the room.)

Once they got that done and over with, Harry showed Draco how to dust the shelves. ("Potter, I can't breathe!")

Next, the bathrooms. That's when Draco wanted to abandon ship. He considered reconsidering when he was told he only had to mop, because he already knew how.

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