Week 1: Day 4

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"Harry, what are you doing up? It's like, two in the morning." Draco said, his voice full of sleep.

Harry was sitting up, his face sweaty and red. He was panting rapidly.

"I just woke up from a nightmare, is all." Harry explained.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Draco sat up, putting a comforting hand on Harry's back.

"I don't know," Harry murmured. "I don't really remember much, I just know it was a nightmare I woke up from."

That was a lie. He remembered every detail of the dream that had just occured in his mind, but felt too embarrassed to talk about it, seeing as it wasn't actually a nightmare. It was a different kind of dream.. One that involved Draco doing some.. Activities.

Those "some activities"...?

...Were Harry.

Harry felt his face flushing deeply just thinking about it, and hoped Draco couldn't see his hard-on underneath the blanket.

Harry couldn't believe this. It was only the fourth day Draco had been here, and he was already having dreams about him. But maybe, just maybe, what Hermione had been telling him was right.

"Harry, it's obvious this isn't just rivalry. There's got to be more feelings involved than that!" She'd always say.

"Like extreme hate?"

"No, Harry, no! Like a fondness, or a likeness of each other, some sort of respect, I'd say. Could it be.. Love, Harry? Do you love Malfoy?"

"Love Malfoy?! That's ridiculous! He's my school rival, one of my biggest enemies!" Harry would always protest.

Hermione never believed him, and then again, Hermione was hardly ever wrong, if she has ever been wrong at all.

"Well, what do you remember from the nightmare?" Draco asked.

"I.. Remember seeing Vold- Er, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." Harry just lied his way through, trying to describe some of his other past nightmares.

"Do you recall what he was doing?"

"He was laughing.. And there was a large snake, and a man I didn't recognize. The man was lying there dead, I'm pretty sure.."

"Anything else?"

"There was another man, who he called 'Wormtail', standing along side him. I don't really know what happened, but then my parents showed up, and-" Harry paused, thinking about what he should say next.

"You don't need to say much more if you wouldn't like to, I think I know what happened."

Harry nodded, though Draco likely couldn't see it in the dark.

Draco continued to rub Harry's back, hoping to comfort him as much as he could.

"You should really get back to sleep," Draco suggested when he heard Harry yawn. "I can tell you've been needing it."

"I'm going to go get some fresh air first. I'll be right back." Harry lied again. He really needed to take care of his.. "Problem" before Draco realized.

"Isn't the door locked, though?" Draco asked as he laid back down.

"I know for a fact they forgot to lock it. They've been out all night." This was the truth. Harry opened the door, and headed out.

He headed out to the garden, which wasn't the most ideal setting, but it'd be harder for Draco to hear him. He tried being as quiet as he could, hoping he was hidden enough behind a tree, then went back inside when he was finished.

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