Week 2: Day 10

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"Draco! Wake up!" Dudley whisper-yelled through the slightly cracked open door.


"Get up and come to the sitting room! Don't wake Harry."

"Alright, I'm coming."

Dudley left, leaving the door open. Draco carefully got out of bed as to not wake Harry, then quietly tiptoed downstairs. He sat on the couch next to where Petunia, Dudley, and Uncle Vernon were sitting.

"Tell me why I'm here!" Vernon demanded angrily.

"Because Harry's fifteenth birthday is tomorrow and we're going to celebrate it!" Petunia insisted.

"But we've never—"

"This time, it will be different." She quickly silenced him.

"As Harry's boyfriend, do you have any ideas, Draco?" Dudley asked with a smirk.

"Uh..." Draco was caught a little off guard by that assumption.  "Well—" He began with his ideas, going off of things he knew and had learned about Harry during his stay.

He knew a lot about Harry.

Harry said so himself.

The things that he had told Draco he hadn't even told Ron and Hermione, according to Harry.

He knew he knew a lot about Harry. But he also knew there was much more to learn.

While they were talking, a very sleepy looking Harry came down the stairs. They stopped talking immediately, as Harry rubbed his eyes and walked into the room, slumping down by Draco.

"What's goin' on?" He yawned and put his glasses on.

"We were just talking." Dudley explained quickly.

"You okay?" Draco whispered as he wrapped an arm around Harry.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"You sure?" Draco softly rubbed Harry's arm.

"I'm sure, Draco. Calm down." Harry yawned again.

Draco had all reason not to believe that. Especially since Harry had started shaking violently ever since he had spotted Vernon.

Ever since Harry had sat, Vernon had been glaring at him, making him feel more uncomfortable. Draco glared back at him, and Harry's uncle seemed to back off a little, finally remembering Draco's threat from last week.

"What were you guys talking about?" Harry asked after a few moments of silence.

"About—" Vernon began.

"About how cute you and Draco are as a couple!" Dudley interrupted quickly.

Harry looked at Draco with uncertainty, but Draco just nodded and mouthed for him to go along with it. Harry subtly rolled his eyes.

"That sounds wonderful." Harry said rather sarcastically.

"Just go make breakfast, boy." Vernon sounded less harsh than usual.

Harry stood up, and Draco followed, but Vernon stopped him.

"You stay here. Only Potter goes."

Draco realized what this was about, and nodded. He sat back down as Harry left for the kitchen.

"Alright, so continue what you were saying, Draco." Dudley's voice was just over a whisper.

Draco continued to talk about what they could do, present ideas, etc. Draco really thought they should just ask Harry what he wanted, just in case. But his relatives wouldn't go for that. They wanted to surprise him.

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