Week 2: Day 11

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His family was in the kitchen, looking right him. They were smiling. Vernon had a bright red slap mark on his cheek, and his smile was so strained and forced that Harry wanted to burst out laughing.

Draco was next to Harry, smiling even brighter as he noticed him looking at the decorations with a sparkle in his eye.

"Wow, this is—" Harry sniffled a little.

"Aw come on, Harry! It's your fifteenth! Draco, kiss him better, will ya?" Dudley joked.

Harry lost it, and laughed harder than he probably ever had before.

Makes you wonder if he was on something.

Draco shrugged, as if to say, "Fuck it, why not?" and put his hand on Harry's waist, pulled him closer into his side, and kissed his cheek.

Dudley cheered, Vernon scowled, Petunia smirked and Harry immediately froze as Draco chuckled and let Harry go.

Aunt Petunia made pancakes, so she unfroze Harry and made him sit down to eat. Everyone followed, and they chatted while they ate, except for Vernon.

"What'll it be today, Harry? What would you like to do?" Petunia asked. She decided she'd had enough of pretending to hate her nephew, so she had finally stood up for herself and had Vernon under her control.

"I dunno," Harry started chewing on his pancake. "Well... Maybe we could go to the waterpark? I haven't been since—"

"—Dudley's sixth birthday. I remember that." Vernon finally spoke.

"A waterpark?" Draco whispered. "What's that?"

"A park." Dudley said casually.

"A park with pools and slides that have water on them. I can show you if we go." Harry told him.

"Of course we'll go! We'll get you both new swimming trunks." Petunia told both Draco and Harry.

Before they knew it, they had gone to the store, gotten the trunks, and were now at the waterpark. They had all just changed and met outside the restrooms. Harry couldn't help but notice that Draco had obviously been working out, for his six pack showed clearly without a shirt on.

"You two can go on your own if you want," Petunia whispered to Harry. "No one'll mind."

Harry nodded, and without thinking, grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him along. He told Draco the gist, and he understood quickly.

"Where should we go first?" Draco asked.

"Ooh! Let's start with the biggest waterslide in the park!" Harry pointed in the distance. It was huge, probably about the height of Hogwarts.

"Lead the way." Draco smiled at Harry's eagarness, and what little fear he felt before completely left him.

They climbed the many stairs without much of a problem (seeing as they do it all the time at Hogwarts) and were happy to see only two people in front of them.

They saw the lifeguard give them an innertube for two people, and they were on their way down the slide.

"So when he gives the innertube to us, we sit in the holes and the water will push us down." Harry explained quietly as they stepped up and waited for the lifeguards signal.

"I can see that, Potter." Draco said out of habit as he looked up into the view. "So the thing we sit on is called an innertube?"

Harry nodded. The lifeguard then gave them the innertube, they sat down, and off they went down the slide. Draco had insisted being in the front, just because it was his first time. He did not regret the decision.

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