Week 2: Day 8

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"Guys! Wake up! We're— Aww!" Dudley walked into Harry's room around nine o'clock in the morning, and found Harry and Draco cuddling on the bed. Draco was big spoon.

Draco opened his eyes, but just having woken up and not thinking right, he glared at Dudley and held Harry (who was still asleep) protectively against his chest.

"Don't you dare wake him up." He growled tiredly.

"Sorry. Just came to tell ya we were gonna go to a fancy restaurant for breakfast." Dudley informed him quietly.


"We're planning on leaving in half an hour. Dad'll be working super late today. Dunno what for."

"Alright, fine. Give me a second." Draco yawned as Dudley shut the door and left.

Draco sat up and stretched. His brain suddenly clicked it's on switch, and reality started washing over him like the rain during a downpour.

His eyes widened and his face grew pink after realizing that not only had he been spooning Harry, but he had also been seen doing it.

He never usually realized when he woke up cuddling Harry. But now, suddenly, he remembered all of it. He remembered every single morning.

He tried to shake it off, but to no avail. His voice had seemingly left him for a moment. He didn't even realize Harry waking up next to him.

"Draco?" His voice sounded adorably tired.

"Morning, Harry." Draco's voice was quiet, but it seemed to be returning to him. "Dudley said we're going to a fancy restaurant to eat breakfast."

"When are we leaving?" Harry sat up, surprised and excited.

"He said half an hour. So we should probably get up."

"They've never taken me to a fancy restaurant before. I'm normally lucky if they let me have the few cold chips at the bottom of the bag after they go out to eat."

"He also said your uncle won't be returning until late tonight."

"Wow," Harry's smile grew. "That's a rare thing." Harry threw his feet over the edge of the bed, flinching as his feet hit cold, hard floor.

He stood and stretched, and Draco stood as well. They quickly got ready and headed downstairs.

"Just the people we were waiting for! Now we can leave." Petunia smiled cheerfully and grabbed her purse and keys.

"To the car!" Dudley pointed his finger in the air for dramatic effect, like those great leaders you'd see in movies.

"To the what?" Draco quietly asked Harry.

"The car. It's muggle transportation. You'll see."

They all headed out the front door, Petunia locked the door, and they all walked to the driveway.

"This looks oddly familiar." Draco commented when he saw it. "Don't the Weasley's have one?"

"Uh huh! It's pretty cool." Harry nodded and opened the door to the backseat. "Hop in."

Dudley put himself in the passenger seat, as Draco slid in the back, Harry following after him.

"Buckle up!" Said Petunia.

Draco's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Like this," Harry showed Draco how to buckle his seatbelt. It took Draco a second, but he figured it out.

"This feels so odd. And quite uncomfortable." He shifted a little.

"You'll get used to it. It's for safety, so in case we crash we won't fly out the window." Harry explained casually.

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