Week 2: Day 13

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When Draco awoke, he realized it was already the next day. He looked around, and found himself still on the sofa. He remembered yesterday's events, and why he was there, and that started calming whatever nerves he had before the realization.

He had a blanket on him now, and a nest of black hair could be seen peeking out from underneath.

Draco was lying down, with Harry curled up, asleep on his chest.

Draco could feel his legs going numb, but didn't dare move. He put an arm behind his head, laying back against the arm of the sofa. He put his other hand in Harry's unusually soft hair, and found himself playing with it.

He suddenly saw a flash out of the corner of his eye, and when he turned his head, he caught a glance of Dudley running out of sight. Draco sighed, and stared at the ceiling.

"Malfoy?" Harry lifted his head to look at him. Sometimes the last name basis slipped out from old habits.

"Morning, Potter."

"Why are we—"

"Don't you remember yesterday?"

All the memories from the previous day flooded back to Harry all at once, giving him a headache. He groaned a little and buried his face into Draco's chest to hide from the light.

Draco let out a breathy laugh and patted Harry's head.

Another flash was seen from the doorway, and this time Dudley hadn't had the time to run before getting spotted and caught.

"Dudley! Bloody hell are you doing?" Harry grumbled.

"Erm- You wanna see all of the photos?"

"All?! How many are there, exactly?" Asked Draco.

"Yesterday was thirty-six, and today... Today I've gotten thirty-seven."

"Bloody..." Harry facepalmed.

"What in Merlin's beard?!" Draco exclaimed loudly. But as soon as Harry wasn't looking at him, he smirked and discretely waved Dudley over with his hand.

Dudley obliged, and waddled over to show him every one while they both giggled like middle school girls.

Harry rolled his eyes, but moved up so his head was just under Draco's chin so he could see too.

"Again, why so many photos?" Harry wondered.

"Blackmail? Duh!"

"You wouldn't!" Draco clearly understood what blackmail was. And he seemed angry about it.

"I would!" Dudley laughed.

Draco was torn between having Dudley keep them so he could keep looking at them, and telling Dudley to delete them immediately so he couldn't use them for blackmail.


"But Ma-"


Dudley sadly gave the camera to his mother, and moped as he left the room for his own.

The two boys on the sofa looked at the woman in shock and amusement. Draco started laughing, then Harry, then Petunia broke into a smile and giggled.

"You can go back to sleep if you'd like, dears. Or there's food ready that's being kept warm on the stove for you." And with that, she walked off.

"You wanna get food?" Harry looked up at Draco, who's face was mere inches away from his own.

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