Chapter 14- Turning Point

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"Nom!""H-Hey, don't eat it too fast! You'll choke again!"

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"H-Hey, don't eat it too fast! You'll choke again!"

Lyney was gobbling up his La Lettre a Focalors as if it's his last day, while Y/n was too busy worrying, telling him to slow down, and patting his back whenever he choked.

The two had stopped at a cafe, and were taking a break from preforming in the streets all day long. Lyney's feet felt sore, was starting to have a headache, and has been a lot more whinier than normal.

"Ahh! That tasted better than usual!" Lyney spoke out in pure satisfaction after swallowing his last bite.

"Maybe because you worked up an appetite from all that preforming?" Y/n asked with a small smirk, her elbow propped up against the table and her cheeks resting in her palm.

"Maybe!" Lyney smiled brightly, "Wanna check out that new resturaunt later? I heard their seafood is top-tier!"

Y/n sighed, but couldn't help but smile at him. She liked everything about him. 

His smile, his flirtatious nature, his hair, and literally everything, even his childish outbursts sometimes!

She watched him with a smile as he ordered more cake and coffee to their table, whereas Y/n barely touched her own.

Y/n raised her hand, as to get the waiter's attention, "Can I get a Coffee Bavarois? But can you pack it to go?"

"Alright, ma'am! So another La Lettre a Focalors for Mr. Lyney, and a Coffee Bavarois to go for the miss. It'll be there in a minute!" The waiter said then hurried back to get what they asked for.

Lyney suddenly turned to Y/n, "You still didn't answer me, beautiful. Do you wanna come check out the new resturaunt with me tonight?"

A soft pink hue appeared on her cheeks for a few seconds, "Yeah, sure, I'll come..."

"Then it's a date!" Lyney grinned widely then gave his lover a kiss on the cheek, and Y/n just accepted it as she tried to keep a smile from breaking out.

"Here you go, sir! Your La Lettre a Focalors is here, and the Coffee Bavarois for Miss Y/n" The waiter said and placed the plate in front of Lyney, and the small box on Y/n's side of the table.

"Ah, thank you very much" Y/n smiled at the waiter and reached into her pocket for her wallet, but Lyney beat her to it and paid for the whole spread instead. She turned to Lyney, looking a bit offended, "I could've paid for it, you know.."

"You won't pay for anything as long as you're with me, beautiful~" Lyney winked at her before digging into the slice of cake in front of him.

Y/n sighed then got up from her seat and picked up the small box, "Thank you then... I'll go back and give this to my mom now"

"Tell her I said hi!" Lyney said with a closed-eye smile, waving at her before she leaves. Y/n just chuckled and leaned down to his face, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"I will... Bye~" Y/n said as she slowly pulled away from the kiss, taking a few steps back and leaving Lyney with a completely red face. 

She left the café and walked down the stairs to the Fleauve Cendre's entrance that happened to be right next to it. 

Her boot's heels clicking against the concrete ground, her neatly styled hair bouncing with every step she took, and the sunlight shining upon her tranquil figure.

She grabbed the rusty door handle with her hand, and roughly pulled it down to open the door. However, feeling the muggy air make contact with her skin, and the unpleasant smell invading her nostrils was nothing surprising compared to what she was seeing in front of her.



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