chapter 1: leonardo dicaprio

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I pull on my white sweater, my too short plaid skirt, and white knee high socks my school makes us girls wear everyday. Most of the girls skirts are down to there knees but being one of the fewest tall girls here, my skirt is about mid-thigh or shorter. And some horny boys who pass me in the halls or when I get up to leave class feel the need to lift up my skirt to show my lace underwear. Guys, on the other hand, get to wear comfortable pants such as khakis with a grey sweater.

I grab my backpack full of books and pens and walk out of my 'dorm room.'

When I first stepped onto the gates of hell, the tour guides gave me a key to the girls building with all the girls rooms. There is a separate building across from the girls where the boys rooms are. So you can't sneak in unless you are with a boy and he has a key but that never works because there are always teachers or staff members standing by the front entryways.

I haven't been assigned a roommate yet but one of my friends told me that I shouldn't get too comfortable by myself because she lived in her room for one year, all comfortable and moved in before she was assigned a roommate and had to move most of her things because she didn't want to offend her roommate in someway.

I walk to the separate building where classes are held, and the only time and place girls get to be with boys during their life here.

When I walked into history, I see my assigned seat taken up by a broad shouldered, blonde boy.

Who the hell does he think he is?

I walk up to him confidently, setting my hand on the desk. "Um, I'm not sure if you know but this is my assigned seat-"

"Samantha, right?" He sits up straighter in the chair, staring up at me.

"It's just Sam, but yes," I correct him. "Can I have my seat back?"

"Mr. Finstock put me here, said you wouldn't mind," he explains.

I groan loudly, looking around the room for an empty desk.

"Where the hell did you come from?"

"Moved to this class because I guess I wasn't smart enough in my original history class," he crosses his arms over his chest. "Been here for two years."

"How come I haven't seen you around?" I ask, now both my hands on the desk, facing him as we speak.

"Maybe because I've been in all the smart classes and you've been in all the... not so smart classes," he smirks at me, dimples indenting his cheeks.

"Asshole," I mutter, sliding into the empty desk next to him when Mr. Finstock comes in.

"Good morning, everybody!" His deep voice booms throughout the room.

"Good morning, Mr. Finstock," we all groan in unison.

"As we are hitting the end of the first semester, your final grade will be a very important project you will all participate in," he erases the white board, starting to write something else on it.

The blue eyed dimple freak next to me raises his hand. "Yes, Mr. Hemmings," Mr. Finstock groans, rolling his eyes.

"Will we be working in partners, sir?" He asks the teacher.

"Thank you for reminding me, Hemmings," the teacher nods his head. "You are all going to be working separately because I've heard some of you are having troubles doing the work with partners so when you guys are by yourself, I can see each of yours potential."

I honestly don't mind because I hate working with other people and I like to do things by myself the way I want them.

"Thomas, pick a famous historical figure," Mr. Finstock says.

"William Shakespeare," I call out.

"You will be assigned Shakespeare, Samantha,"

"It's just Sa-" I try to say but the teacher interrupts me.

"Hemmings, name a famous historical figure,"

"Leonardo Dicaprio," He answers.

"Excuse me?" The teacher chokes on his own spit.

I can't help but to laugh because of this idiot sitting next to me thinking Leonardo da Vinci is Leonardo Dicaprio.

"I said Leonardo Dicaprio," he repeats like nothing's wrong.

"Oh good lord," Mr. Finstock rubs his temples. "I'm assigning you.....Martin Luther."

"King?" Luke furrows his eyebrows.

"Lucas, pleas-"

"It's just Luke, sir," he corrects him.

"Luke, please tell me you're messing around."

"Martin Luther King is a historical figure, right?"

Mr. Finstock goes over to the book shelf, grabbing a history book and slamming it down on Luke's desk.

"Go to the glossary and look up Martin Luther so we can continue class," Mr. Finstock continues calling other students names and asking them what historical figure they choose for their projects.

"Ohh," Luke sighs, leaning down in his chair.

"Wow you are a dumbass in history," I mutter just loud enough for him to hear.

"Watch it, Samantha,"

"It's-" I stop myself because it's no use.

"It's what?" He asks, a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"It's nothing," I roll my eyes before getting up to get a history book myself and start looking up facts about William Shakespeare.


I make it back to the girls dorm once I'm finished with my last class of the day. I meet up with my best friend, Sara, in my room to do homework.

"Have you heard of a Hemmings before?" I ask her, pulling out my history book and a few sheets of paper.

"Sounds familiar," Sara bites her lip, furrowing her eyebrows.

"There is a guy named Luke Hem-"

"Luke?" She asks.

"Yeah," I look at her confused.

"Tall? Hot as hell?" She questions.

"Um, yeah he's tall-"

"Don't even say he isn't hot, Sam,"

"I don't know," I shrug. "What about him, though?"

"He's hot as hell!" she exclaims.

"He's nothing special," I shrug my shoulders again. "But I do know he's a complete dumbass in history."

"Oh, that's where he moved to,"

"He was in your history class?" I question.

"Yeah, and let me tell you... he was somethin' else in that class," she chuckled, working on her homework.


Im so excited for this story you don't even know omg

I don't know if I should do different POVs or keep it in sam's pov

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