chapter 18: worst day

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After school on Monday I made my way to the cafeteria for detention.

I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing as a punishment but I'm not excited for it at all.

"Thomas, you are going to wipe down every desk in the classrooms. There should be wipes in all of the rooms so have fun." A teacher that I don't know tells me.

I roll my eyes as I walk away from her to start at the first classroom.

When I walk in I see none other than Luke sitting in a desk with his feet propped up on a table.

"I have to clean with you?" I act like I'm annoyed when I'm actually really happy inside.

"Don't act like you don't like it," he stands up from his chair, to stand in front of me.

"I wish I didn't," I joke, kissing his cheek bone before going to the wipes in the front of the room on the teachers desk to start cleaning the tables.

"Why did you get detention?"

"I accidentally purposely punched a guy at our scrimmage on Thursday,"

"Luke!" I screech, walking towards him.

"He was being mean to me." He pouts, standing in between my legs as I sit on a desk.

"You need to control your anger. You're going to get kicked off the team if you keep it up."

"Okay mom," he groans, rolling his eyes.

I chuckle before pecking his lips and get off the desk but Luke's hand on my waist stops me.

"Can we kiss for a little bit?"

"A little bit turns into a lot and you know that Luke."

"Either wouldn't be such a bad thing."

Before anything happens, I close the door to the classroom and sit back on the desk while Luke stands in between my legs.

"You're so pretty," Luke says before leaning into me to kiss my lips, grabbing my face with both his hands.

I hook my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He soon picks me up as I wrap my legs around his hips, continuing the kiss.

"I missed your lips."

Before anything extreme happens, I let go, playing with the strings on Luke's sweatshirt.

"Let's get this detention over with, please," I mumble, raising my eyebrows at him like a child.

"You're so cute," he pecks my lips before setting me back down on my feet to clean up the rest of the classroom.


Almost two hours later, we got all the classrooms wiped down and left detention. I had to go back to my dorm because I'm gated so me and Luke parted ways.

Being gated really sucks when you just want to hang out with your boyfriend but maybe this will teach me a lesson.

I decide to write an email to my step-sister before taking a nap because that's really all I can do as of now.

Dear Jacqueline,

It's Sam as you can probably tell by the email address. I haven't written to you in forever it feels like. I miss you so much.

But I have some good news and bad news. I'll give you the bad news first. I've been gated for the rest of the week which means I can only leave my dorm for class because they found a cigarette bud in my room. Which ties into my good news... I got a boyfriend! His name is Luke and he is so cute and nice and ugh. He's so sweet to me and I'm really glad I met him. Oh right, he started smoking (but he's trying to stop) and I guess he dropped a cig in my room and I got detention, a demerit on my permanent record, and gated for the whole week.

Don't tell dad. Please.

Anyway, I really miss you. Love you!

- Sam


I hate my teachers. I hate this school. I hate Mr. Donavin. I hate homework. I hate this boarding school.

This is the dumbest thing. Why did I have to come here? Why me?

Today definitely was not my day. I forgot all about my homework, which caused me another detention tomorrow. I got an F on my algebra test. And my best friend won't talk to me.

I don't know what I did but Sara won't talk to me. And she won't tell me why which bugs me even more.

And I just want to cuddle my boyfriend but this stupid ass school has me gated until Friday.

It's Wednesday and I don't think I can get through another week here.

Before I left the main school building, I told Luke to try and come to my dorm after school because I wanted to talk to him when in all honesty I just wanted to hug him and cuddle.

As I'm changing into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, a knock is heard on my window.

I can't help but to smile wide before pulling my pants up and walking towards my window to be met with my beautiful blonde boyfriend.

I slide the window open, letting him in my room before pulling the window and curtains closed.

I immediately wrap my arms around Luke's neck, hugging him tighter than ever before.

"Today was the worst day ever," I pout, pulling him onto my bed.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" He rubs circles on my hips as we cuddle on my bed. Damn that nickname.

"I like when you call me that." I change the subject.

He just smiles and kisses my forehead before hugging me again.

"What happened?" He whispers against my hair as he rubs my back.

I explain everything that happened today that made me want to shove myself down a flight of stairs before he just hugs me once more, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on top of my head.

We stay like that for who knows how long but I wish it could last forever.


Happy spooky day :)

Be safe and eat all the candy you want

I love you guys! Thanks for the support on the story it means a lot

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