chapter 23: déjà vu

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This week was a break week so we didn't have any classes.

Luke never left my side Sunday night. He stayed with me Monday morning until I told him he should go back to his dorm to get changed and clean up.

"I'm not gonna drink in the five minutes you're gone, I promise," I told him before he left.

I decide to clean up myself too. I changed into a clean pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt from track season last year.

I got a water bottle from the fridge and went back to my bed and waited for Luke.

He eventually came back in the same casual attire I was in.

"What do you wanna do today?" Luke asks, laying his head in my lap.

"I don't know," I shrug my shoulders, running my fingers through his soft, blonde hair.

"I have an idea," he sits up, sitting directly across from me. "Let's play a game."

"I'm not up for your freaky games, Lucas,"

"That's not my na–" he pouts.

"What's the game?" I roll my eyes.

"We each say something the other doesn't know about us–,"

"I have a better idea," I interrupt him. "We ask each other a question about ourselves and if they get it wrong, we have to take a clothing item off."

"This could get real sexual real fast," Luke states.

I smirk before thinking of a question.

"How many siblings do I have?" I ask.

Luke thinks for a seconds before answering, "One."

"Er, wrong!"


"I have a brother and two step siblings,"

"Okay but I technically got it right because you have one blood sibl–"

"Take your shirt off Hemmings," I roll my eyes.

"You just want me to take off my clothes,"

"Not necessarily," I joke, watching Luke as he pulls the maroon t-shirt over his head and throwing it across the room.

"Okay, my turn," Luke rubs his hands together, thinking of a question. "How old was I when I first got here?"


"Er, wrong!" Luke mocks me.

I decide to take off my socks first–it's far too early in the game to strip down.

Luke just rolls his eyes as he watches me take my socks off and throw them off my bed.

"Okay...What is my favorite subject?"

"Lunch," Luke answers confidently. "That was too easy."

"I just feel bad because you only have two items left to take off."

"Whatever," he scoffs. " what is my favorite animal?"

"You've got to be kidding me," I scowl.

"Just take your shirt off, you're not gonna get it," he grins, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Hey, let me think!"

Luke sighs, waiting for an answer but I didn't even have one.

Instead of answering I just take my shirt off leaving me in my black sports bra and grey sweatpants.

"Told ya,"

"Okay... When's my birthday?"

"Okay, no that is not fair!" Luke protests, his face instantly in shock.

"You have 365 dates, it's not that hard," I joke.

"Fuck you." Luke says as he takes his sweatpants off, leaving him in just his black boxers.

"July 15th," I answer for him.

"No way!" He gasps.


"Mines the 16th,"

"What a coincidence,"

"Okay, my turn," he smiles before thinking of a question. "Wha–"

Luke never got to finish his sentence because the lights shut off and you couldn't see anything in the room.

"Luke," I whisper, putting my arm out to find him.

I feel his cold, bare chest instantly grabbing onto him to stay close.

"This school is way to rich to have electricity problems, god damnit."

Luke pulls his sweatpants back on while I slide my shirt over my head, pulling it down my body.

Luke walks towards the door, twisting the knob to reveal a dark hallway.

Luke turns around, raising his eyebrows at me. "Are you gonna follow me?" He whispers.

Who the hell does he think I am? After what happened the last time the electricity went out there is now way in hell I'm leaving this room.

"Hell no!" I whisper/yell at him.

"Why not?"

"After what happened last time? Fuck that!"

Luke's sighs before closing the door and sits on my bed.

"Can I at least go?" He asks, grabbing my hands.


"C'mon, maybe it's not even like that. Maybe the power actually did go out,"

"Whatever, go ahead," I roll my eyes, shooing him to leave.

Luke kisses my forehead before leaving my room.

And now I wish I didn't tell him to go.


gobble gobble bitches

it's thanksgiving!!!!!!

hope y'all eat all the bomb ass food today and spend time with family and friends.

I love you and I'm so thankful for your support on this story!

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