chapter 39: caught by surprise

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"Oh my god," I gasp, running up to the girl I haven't seen in months.

"I missed you, Sammy!" Sara mumbles against my shoulder.

"I missed you too," I sigh.

"What have you been up to?" She asks me.

"Just escaping boarding schools, what's new?" I reply sarcastically.

This causes her to laugh. God how I've missed her laugh. I can't believe Sara is right here. It's surreal.

We all sit at Calum's dining room table and catch up with each other. We tell stories from before boarding school and catch Sara up with what she missed while she was gone.

"I still can't believe this dumbass knocked you up,"

"Luke!" I gasp, lightly smacking his arm.

This causes Sara's demeanor to switch from excited to a face full of no emotions. By this I know something's up.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't know if I want to keep the baby,"


"I-I just can't picture myself being a good mother. I'm seventeen for Christ's sake! How the hell am I gonna take care of a child when I can barely take care of myself!" Sara starts to cry and we all just sit awkwardly around the table.

Calum gives me a look with wide eyes and he starts to mouth words at me.

I do the same thing, trying to tell him to comfort her-I mean it's their baby.

Calum rubs Sara's back, telling her that it's fine and it'll be okay.

And I know Sara's gonna be pissed by these words. She used to always tell me she hates when people tell her everything's gonna be fine she just wants them to comfort her and she'll deal with the problem herself.

"Well I support anything you do, you know that Sara," I give her an assuring smile.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it,"

After about an hour of talking about nonsense, Luke and I head up to Calum's guest room.

I didn't want Luke to risk our lives and drive at three in the morning, although that would be nice because no one is on the road at that time, you don't know what would happen when it comes to Luke.

"I can't believe Sara's actually here," I say as I'm changing from my jeans to a pair of Calum's sweatpants he let me borrow.

"Yeah I'm surprised Calum wanted to talk to her. He normally gets distant when it comes to serious stuff like that,"

"What? Has he gotten a girl pregnant before?"

"No, but when there's something happening like a death in the family or an illness he just closes up and doesn't talk to anyone for awhile,"

"God, today is just a day of sad topics,"

"It's easier to talk about it than keep it in your head,"

"I love you." I blurt out.

Luke looks at me with a confused expression but laughs anyway.

"I love you," he walks over to me, kissing the top of my head.

"You're an amazing person, you know that?"

"Thanks, babe. You're pretty special too,"

"I never said you're special, don't get ahead of yourself there buddy," I joke, wrapping my arms around his torso and swaying side to side.

"Can we go to bed now? I'm tired,"

I chuckle before sliding under the dark covers, scooting close to Luke but making sure he has enough room as well.

"Can we cuddle? It's kinda cold," Luke suggests.

I laugh again before scooting over some more and laying my head on his chest while his arm is wrapped around my shoulders.

"Goodnight beautiful," he whispers before kissing the side of my head.


I'm gonna admit I was listening to superluv while writing this... No guilt at all.

I love Luke and sam's relationship so much haixjakndna

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