chapter 26: games

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"For what?"


"You said 'thank you'," he explains to me. "For what?"

"Oh–um, just being a good person."

"I'm really not but thank you." He smiles, kissing my nose before hugging me again.

Thank god for Luke's bad hearing.


Sadly, school resumed and I had to go back that next Monday. I hate everything about this place and I really wish I could go home.

And trust me, I've tried my best to leave. I told my step-dad to get me out but he told my mom and she told him to not bring me home. I guess she had the right to say that since she pays for me to go here and this school is expensive, and she scares anyone that comes her way so he obviously didn't bring me home.

So I'm still here, suffering another year at this piece of shit school. Sadly, it's my junior year and I have a whole entire year to get out of this place.

Lunch comes faster than I expected and today I decided to eat in the cafeteria with Luke and Ashton.

Today, Michael decided to join us because I guess him and Luke have gotten along recently.

When I sit down next to Luke, they're talking about Luke's visit with Calum the other day.

As they're talking, I sit quietly and eat my food, occasionally taking sips of my water.

While Luke is talking, he intertwines our fingers under the table, continuing his conversation whilst rubbing his thumb over my hand.

I can't help but to blush at his action, but ignore my sudden butterflies and continue eating.

They soon change the subject to some test they had in Spanish today. I was left out once again because I'm the only one at this table who takes French. I'm probably one of the few people at this school that takes French.

"I'm about ready to transfer to French," Michael says causing me to finally join in.

I shake my head quickly at him. "No you don't. The teacher sucks and she gives you no time to digest what she's teaching you. You don't want to transfer."

"Why don't you go to Spanish then?" Luke then asks.

"Too far in the year to learn a whole 'nother language," I say as I'm stabbing my fork in my mashed potatoes.

He nods his head, directing his attention back to his friends, still keeping his hand in mine.


After school, I head over to the lounge after I change out of my uniform into much more comfortable clothes.

It's surprisingly quiet but it's only because there's a baseball game and the whole school is probably there.

I guess not the whole school because soon Luke walks in.

"Why are you here alone?"

"Well considering you're my only friend here right now and I figured you were with your other friends, I thought this would be a great time to do some homework,"

"Someone's in a not so nice mood," Luke flops down next to me on the grey couch, slinging his hand around the back of the couch.

"Just not my day today, I guess," I shrug my shoulders, twisting my black pen in between my fingers.

"Aw I'm sorry, babe," Luke gives me a sloppy kiss on my check making me feel a tiny bit better. "What can I do to help?"

I want to say 'pay attention to me more' but that sounds really selfish so I obliged from doing so.

"Help me memorize this stupid ass writing," I sigh, giving him the paper in my hand.

"I know a great way to memorize this," he smirks signaling that this can't be good. "Every line you get wrong, clothes come off. Every line you get right, my clothes come off."

"It's always about taking our clothes off," I roll my eyes at him, not in the mood for his stupid little games.

"If you don't want to take your clothes off, memorize it."

"You're so fucking annoying, oh my god!" I groan, grabbing my books from the coffee table to walk back to my room.


I'm having one of those days where even the one person who makes me the happiest, is pissing me off.

When I get back to my dorm, I immediately crawl under the blankets, getting nice and warm.

Soon enough, a knock is heard at my door. I groan in annoyance before yelling for them to come in, knowing it's Luke.

When I see him, I roll over so I don't make eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry, Sam, I didn't think it would bother you," Luke pouts, sitting at the end of my bed.

"It's just–I want our relationship to be more than fucking and being naked. But if you want to just be fuck buddies, that's cool. I just want there to be more to us than that," I sit up in my bed, still not making eye contact with him.

Luke crawls over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling his head in my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't know it was bothering you this much. I'm really sorry," he apologizes.

"Thank you," I sigh into his neck, running my hands up and down his back.

After we exchange a quick kiss, he lays me down so I'm facing his chest and he's holding me against him.

"I love you more," he mumbles against the top of my head.




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