chapter 17: gated

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Smeared lipstick all over my mouth, hair in a knotted mess, carrying my shoes around campus; that describes my homecoming.

It wasn't only that my heels were killing me, but I was in a hurry to escape Luke's dorm because my dress was already off and Calum was unlocking the door so I had to look like we weren't just about to get it on.

Homecoming was actually very annoying. So many annoying students just hit the whip and nae nae the whole time. It wasn't even enjoyable, so we figured why not ditch it. But I guess we weren't the only ones who thought of that idea because Calum was about to walk in on me and Luke and we both know Calum would never drop the subject.

Jake and I said our 'goodbyes' and 'I love yous' before we parted ways. I already miss him. I hate this place so much. I'm not even aloud to see my family because I can't just get up and drive to them. And when they can come visit me, it's only on certain occasions.

Before lights out, the dean of students went over the dorm speakers to tell us that all students have to be in the gym tomorrow at twelve.

I was confused because we only have assemblies during school days and tomorrow is a Saturday so it's very absurd that's we're having one. It's most likely something serious or they would wait until Monday.


"We've been pretty lenient during these past few years at this school. We don't check your dorms to see if you're alone or if you're behaving yourself. We don't know if you are in someone else's dorm after lights out. We don't know if you're hiding something that isn't aloud in your dorm. But we are changing the rules right now!" The dean of students announced in the microphone.

"Every night at nine o clock, we will be knocking on your doors to see if you are in there and if it's only you. We will also be checking your dorms once, maybe twice a week to see if you are hiding anything in there."

"More guards and staff members are going to be in the dorm buildings to see if everyone is behaving themselves, alright? We've had enough of being nice and letting you guys off the hook. We're changing it up around here."

"Oh, and one more thing before you guys go," he announces. "If we do catch you doing something you're not supposed to be doing, you will get three days of detention, a demerit on your permanent record and you will be gated."

This caused the whole gym to erupt in shouts and groans of annoyance.

Gating is when you can only leave your dorm for class and that's it. This can last for weeks or months.

"Now get out." The dean says into the microphone before he walks out of the gym.

I follow the group of students out of the gym back to the dorms.

"This is bull!" Sara says behind me, causing me to turn around and shrug my shoulders.

"I'm gonna go back to bed. Meet for lunch?" She questions.

"Yeah," I smile before going to my dorm room to try and fall asleep too.


That night guards came around to everyone's room to do a check to see if it's clean and you're not hiding anything.

But it's funny because I just finished my last case of beer last night so I know I'm good.

"Thomas, go to the deans office immediately." The guard says from inside my room while I stood by the door.

"What? Why!"

"I'm not gonna say it again!" He practically shouts.

I roll my eyes before walking to the deans office.

"Sam!" Someone yells for me.

I turn around to see Luke running towards me.

"What?" I groan.

"Where are you going?"

"The deans office."

"What? Why?"

"That's what I'm wondering too." I turn around to continue my walk to the office.


"Do you know why you are here, Thomas?" The dean, Mr. Donavin, paced behind his desk while I sit in a chair facing him.


"The guard found some thing in your dorm today."

"I figured as much but I would love to know what he found." I say, not taking this as serious as he would like me too.

"He found a cigarette bud in your room,"

"Ok can you just give me my demerit now? Am I gated?"

"Do you want to stand up for yourself?"

"It's ten thirty, I'm tired please just give me a demerit so I can go to sleep." I grumble.

"You'll also be gated until Friday with a detention Monday after school. Understand Thomas?"

"Yes sir," I say as I open the door to his office and walk out.

Luke waited outside of the office until I got out.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"You got me a demerit,"

"What? How?"

"A cigarette bud was laying in the middle of my floor. I'm gated until Friday and I have a detention after school on Monday,"

"Oh I'm sorry," he looks at his feet as we walk back to my dorm.

"I could care less," I shrug my shoulders.

I stop at the entrance to my dorm building.

"Well on the bright side, I have detention with you on Monday." He says before running away.

"What the hell Hemmings!" I yell.

"Language." I guard says behind me.

I give them a dirty look before walking into the building to go to sleep.


how did you like this chapter? what about Luke causing Sam trouble? God damnit Luke you always cause people troubles.

ok lemme talk about something... SOUNDS GOOD FEELS GOOD

FUCK it's sooooooo amazing holy shit

my favorites are invisible, broken home, airplanes, castaway & safety pin.

what are your favorite songs on SGFG???

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