chapter 7: lights out

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I don't move. It's just me and the body making contact from down each hallway.

"Luke," I whisper, slapping his arm repeatedly.

"What?" He snaps his head to look at me.

I point to the end of the hall where the body is still standing.

"Holy shit," he whispers, stepping back to stand next to me.

All you could see was the outline of the body since the power was out and the only light was from outside lampposts.

"Guys what is that?" Sara questions.

"Shut up, Sara!" Luke whisper/yells, looking back at her.

Sara gives him a disgusted look, latching her arm around Calum's.

"Sara, Calum, can you two go back to our room?"

"Why?" Sara questions.

"Because you're being a wuss," Luke says.

"Luke!" I whisper, slapping his arm.

"Well, she's gonna scream and I don't want to get caught. I think it's good if it was just me and Sam,"

"Can you at least take your phone so we can keep up with you two?" Calum asks Luke.

Luke agrees before the couple walks off and me and Luke figure out what to do.

"Let's follow it,"

"What the hell, Luke! I'm not in the mood to die today,"

"It'll be fine, just stay behind me," Luke starts walking, grabbing my wrist to make sure I'm behind him as we walk.

"This is so dumb," I groan.


We make it down the hall and the body has walked away. Luke said he saw it go down the right hallway so we started walking down there. Let's just say I'm the smart one in the bunch.

We make it to the end of the hallway when we see the person again.

"What do you want?" Luke yells at the person.

I hide my face in Luke's back, scared of what's going to happen next.

"Who even are you?" Luke asks.

"Why would you hurt him?" The stranger questions us.

"What? Who are you talking about?"

"You killed him," the man yells at us.

"Sir, calm down. If you could just tell us what's going on-"

"He's dead," the man cries. "And you killed him!"

"What are you talking about? We're just students at the school and we were just hanging out," Luke replies.

"Luke, let's just go," I whisper, looking up at his face.


"Who's your little friend? Did she kill my brother?"

"We didn't kill anybody!" Luke yells at the man.

"Give me proof,"

"What? How am I supposed to prove to you that I didn't kill your brother,"

"Give me the girl."

"What the fuck? No. Why do you need her?" Luke wraps his arm around my waist, squeezing my side, tightly.

"If you didn't kill him, you will give me her,"

"Give me one reason you want her," Luke pulls me tighter into his waist.

"Because she's my girlfriend,"

"What the hell are you on? You need to get checked out, bro. We're leaving," Luke grabs my hand and drags me along with him to his dorm room.

"Luke, what the hell was that?" I ask him as we stand outside of his door.

"I don't know, you tell me. Do you know him?"

"I've never heard of him. I don't know how he even knows me," I put my forehead to his chest, feeling tears form in my eyes but I blink them away, wiping at them.

Luke just sighs, rubbing my back before opening the door and letting us in.

"I'm gonna walk them to their dorm, I'll be right back," Luke tells Calum, putting his hand on my back to guide me back out of the room.

And soon enough, the same person is back outside.


this sucked and I'm really sorry.

I was camping and really bored and wrote this and I can't think of what else to do so if you have any ideas feel free to comment them

(P.S.) guyssssss i get my wisdom teeth out in less than 2 weeks and im so fucking nervous and mY FUCKING TWENTY ONE PILOTS CONCERT IS IN LESS THAN TWO FUCKING WEEKS FIAJFHH W

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