chapter 14: show you something

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Today was Wednesday which I guess isn't that bad. I like Wednesday's because you get the excitement for Thursday because Thursday gets you excited for Friday. And Friday is the last day of school for the week and then you have two days of freedom.

But there's isn't much freedom at boarding schools. You may not have class but you technically live on school grounds so it kinda reminds you that you are still at school.

The rest of Saturday was me and Luke finishing up his homework and he finally, sort of, understood the history work.

Once I pull on my uniform for the day, I grab my student ID and backpack before starting to walk to the main building that classes are held in.

I scan my ID before waking to Mr. Finstock's classroom, strolling to my seat in front of Luke's.

Luke soon walks in, sitting behind me. I can't help but to get all giddy inside, making my stomach get all fuzzy and weird. I hate Luke for making me feel like that.

Today, we were learning a whole new thing so I guess I will soon be expecting Luke to ask for help but I'm not complaining. I like to spend all the time I can with him.

School ends after a long, tiring eight hours. Everything that my teachers taught today just went in one ear and out the other. That's how school is to me nowadays.

Before I could even get the opportunity to go back to my dorm to start homework, I feel a pair of strong arms grab my hands and drag me behind the big building.

"What the fu-" I shriek, trying to let go of the stranger pulling me.

I am soon let go once I'm completely behind the building with no one else in site.

"Okay Sa-"

"Luke!" I shriek, smacking his chest once I find out it's him.

"What?" He questions.

"You scared the shit out of him." I catch my breath, soon looking into his bright blue eyes.

"Sorry," he smiles, grabbing my hand again. "But I wanna show you something so come with me."


After a long, long walk full of Luke unsure of how to get to wherever it was he was taking me but then soon assuring me he knew, we made it to the destination.

Luke and I ended up on top of a rocky cliff, guiding me through all different kinds of paths until he seated us at a sturdy place to sit down at.

There was water about ten feet under us so we could jump off into the water if we wanted to.

"Isn't this off campus, Luke?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

I let my feet dangle off the side of the cliff, looking down at the waves hitting the rocks, but I soon look away, feeling my stomach churn at the depth.

"Not necessarily." He shrugs his shoulders before he lays down, putting his arms behind his head.

"Why'd you bring me he-"

"Stop asking so many questions and just lay down." Luke says, his eyes shut.

I lay down next to him, closing my eyes as well, listening to the waves hit at the bottom of the cliff and the faint sound of birds chirping miles away.

As it gets chillier outside, I scoot over to lay a little closer to Luke hoping his body heat would radiate onto me.

Before I could do anything else, Luke pulls me closer so our body's touch and wraps his arm around my shoulders as I lay my head on his chest, bending my legs up to my chest to keep warm.

We stay like that, no words or sounds from either of us, just the sounds of nature in the background.

We eventually leave, walking back to the main part of campus hand in hand.

Before we get back to campus, Luke stops me, pushing me up against the wall of the back of the lounge building.

One hand on the wall next to my head, the other still holding my hand.

Luke leans in, placing his forehead on mine, staring into my green eyes as I look into his own.

I decide to take this opportunity to tilt my head up, connecting my lips with Luke's plump ones.

I use my free hand to place on the back of his neck, playing with the hairs on the nape of it.

I smile into the kiss, letting go to catch my breath before connecting my lips back onto his.

"You know you don't have to kiss me just because you want me to stop smoking." He tells me once we let go.

"I don't kiss you just for you to stop. I kiss you because I want to." I say shyly, looking up into his eyes with a smile creeping onto my lips.


short and sweet

im not so confident in this so please tell me what you think

also can yall give me some ideas you want to happen in future chapters? thanks!

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