Chapter 2: Enchanted by the Obsession

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Y/N's POV:

Even when I went to bed and as the night wore on, fear and uncertainty kept me on edge. By now everyone was sleeping . I couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching us. Every little sound seemed magnified, and I found myself glancing around nervously, my heart pounding in my chest.

My friends were fast asleep, as it was 1-2 hrs before sunrise and their peaceful expressions a stark contrast to my own restlessness. I wanted to wake them and tell them about my unease, but I didn't want to alarm them further. Instead, I kept my eyes trained on the darkness, trying to see through the shadows that concealed whatever presence lurked nearby.

Just as I was about to dismiss my fears as mere imagination, a flicker of movement caught my attention. In the distance, I saw a pair of glowing crimson eyes watching us from the darkness. My breath caught in my throat as I locked gazes with the mysterious figure.

As if sensing my fear, the eyes disappeared, leaving me shaken and more convinced than ever that we were not alone on this island. I debated waking my friends, but before I could decide, exhaustion got the better of me, and sleep overcame my anxious thoughts.

When I woke up, the first rays of dawn were breaking through the trees. I glanced around, relieved to find my friends still sleeping soundly. The events of the previous night seemed like a distant memory, and I almost convinced myself that it had been a figment of my imagination.

As we gathered ourselves to explore the island, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. But I pushed those thoughts aside, determined not to let my fear control me.


Lucas' POV:

From the shadows, I observed the intruders, my senses keenly attuned to their every movement. Humans had dared to enter my territory before, and they had paid the price with their lives. But something about this group intrigued me, especially the girl who's name is from what I got to know through their conversation is Y/N.

As I observed her from a distance, a strange feeling washed over me, like a current of electricity coursing through my veins. I had never experienced anything like this before, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from her.

She was unlike any human I had encountered - fearless, strong-willed, and captivating. Her presence in my territory should have angered me, but instead, it fascinated me. I felt an overwhelming desire to possess her, to claim her as my own.

The more I watched Y/N, the stronger the obsession grew within me. I knew I had to have her, to make her mine, and no one else's. I wanted her to be my mate, to share my life and my world.

But first, I needed to get rid of her friends. They were intruders, after all, and they didn't deserve to be anywhere near Y/N. I decided to wait until next days nightfall, using the cover of darkness to carry out my plan.


Y/N's POV:

As the day drew to a close, my unease returned, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. My friends noticed my restlessness, but I brushed it off, not wanting to worry them.

As the sun set, we gathered around the campfire once again, seeking its warmth and comfort. We shared stories and laughter, trying to distract ourselves from the unknown dangers lurking in the darkness.

But as night fell, my fears were realized. In the distance, we heard the rustling of leaves, and a low growl echoed through the forest. Panic surged through me as I urged my friends to run.

We ran through the dense forest, heartbeats pounding in our ears. I dared not look back, afraid of what was pursuing us. But my fear slowed me down, and I soon found myself falling behind.

Suddenly, a powerful force knocked me off my feet, and before I could react, a pair of glowing crimson eyes locked onto mine. It was the same creature I had seen before - the one who had been watching us.

I struggled to break free, my heart pounding in my chest as I realized the danger I was in. "Let me go!" I shouted, fighting with all my strength.

But the creature didn't release its hold on me. Instead, it spoke, its voice low and commanding. "You are mine now, and no one can save you."

I stared at the creature in shock and horror, its features becoming clearer as it drew closer. It was a Naga - a serpent-like being from legends and folklore. But this was no myth; it was real, and it had kidnapped me.

I fought against the creature's grip, but it was futile. The Naga's obsession with me was evident in its eyes, and I knew that escape was impossible. My heart sank as I realized that my friends were gone, and I was all alone, at the mercy of this creature.

The Naga carried me in its arms, its touch sending shivers down my spine. "You will be mine," it whispered, a possessive gleam in its eyes. "I will protect you, and you will never leave my side."

As darkness closed in around me, I felt a mix of fear and curiosity. Who was this Naga, and what did it want from me? With this I passed out in his arms, Little did I know that my life was about to be forever changed by this mysterious and possessive creature who had taken me as its own.

Published - 28 july 2023

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