Chapter 6: Torn Between Hate and Attraction

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It's been a week since Lucas has marked her as his , Y/N found herself in a constant state of turmoil. Lucas had shown moments of tenderness, but those were overshadowed by his possessive and controlling nature. With each passing day, Y/N felt her spirit breaking under the weight of her captivity.

That evening, as the sun set in a fiery blaze, Y/N was exploring the outskirts of the forest. Lucas had allowed her some freedom, but he was always watching, always lurking in the shadows, a constant reminder of her captivity.

As she wandered deeper into the forest, she felt a sudden sharp pain on her arm. Turning around, she saw Lucas standing there, his eyes ablaze with anger. He had struck her, leaving a red mark on her skin.

"What are you doing out here alone?" he growled, his voice a mixture of concern and fury. "I told you it's dangerous to wander off."

Y/N felt a surge of anger rising within her. "I can't stand being cooped up in that cave all the time!" she snapped. "I need some space to breathe!"

Lucas stepped closer, his imposing figure making her feel small and vulnerable. "You belong with me," he said, his voice low and possessive. "I won't allow you to put yourself in danger."

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to control her emotions. She hated him for keeping her captive, for treating her like a possession. But she couldn't deny the strange attraction she felt towards him – an attraction that both repulsed and intrigued her.

The Naga's eyes bore into her, and she felt a strange mix of fear and desire. It scared her how her body responded to him, even when her mind screamed at her to resist.

Lucas seemed to sense her inner conflict, and he reached out to gently touch her cheek. Y/N flinched at his touch, torn between pushing him away and leaning into his caress.

"I don't want your pity," she said, her voice wavering. "I don't want to be your mate. I want to go home."

Lucas' expression hardened, and he pulled away from her. "You will learn to accept your fate," he said coldly. "You are my mate now, and you will stay with me."

His words sent a chill down her spine, and she knew there was no escaping his grasp. She was trapped in this island with a Naga who was both her captor and her source of conflicting emotions.

Days turned into nights, and Y/N found herself in a constant state of struggle. Lucas continued to assert his dominance over her, and she felt her spirit breaking under the weight of his control.

But as much as she hated him, she couldn't deny the moments of tenderness he showed her after that day when he marked her as him . He brought her gifts of fruits and flowers, and he would sit with her by the campfire, telling her stories of his tribe and their ancient traditions.

The more time she spent with him, the more she found herself drawn to him – a fact that filled her with self-loathing. She was attracted to a creature who had kidnapped her and kept her against her will.

One evening, as they sat by the campfire, Y/N couldn't contain her conflicting emotions any longer. "I hate you," she said, her voice trembling. "But I hate that I'm also attracted to you."

Lucas turned to look at her, his crimson eyes searching her face. "You are a complicated human," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "But you are mine, and I won't let you go."

Y/N felt a mix of anger and confusion. How could he claim her as his own, as his mate, when she despised him? But there was a part of her that couldn't deny the connection she felt towards him, however twisted and wrong it might be.

In the darkness of the forest, Y/N felt torn between hate and attraction. She longed to escape from Lucas' clutches, to find her way back home. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the strange pull she felt towards Lucas.

As the nights grew longer, Y/N's emotions continued to spiral. She was trapped in a dangerous forest with a possessive Naga, and there seemed to be no way out. Y/N is determined to leave with her lost friends – even if it meant facing her captor and her own conflicted heart.

Published - 7 sep 2023

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