Chapter 9: Shadows of the Past

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Days on the island blended into one another, and Y/N's life became a delicate balance between adapting to her new reality and her lingering questions about her friends. She couldn't help but wonder about their fate, despite Lucas's reassurances.

One afternoon, while cleaning the cave/house, Y/N came across a hidden compartment that piqued her curiosity. It was a wooden chest, intricately carved and concealed beneath a pile of blankets. Her heart raced as she opened it, revealing a collection of old scrolls and journals.

The writings contained a history of the Naga tribe and its encounters with outsiders, particularly humans. Y/N scanned the pages, her eyes widening as she read about the fate of those who had ventured onto the island before her.

The words spoke of missing persons, gruesome tales of deaths attributed to mythical creatures, and encounters with mermaids and sirens who lured sailors to their doom. Y/N's heart sank as she realized the grim truth—her friends might not have left the island at all, as Lucas had claimed. They might had met a far darker fate.

Finding out about this made Y/N scared and the only thing going on her mind was to run away. Which she did the first chance she got.

The island's dense foliage rustled with an eerie, almost sinister whisper as Y/N sprinted through the tangled underbrush. Her heart pounded, and her breath came in ragged gasps. Every footfall reverberated through the dense jungle, echoing the urgency of her escape.

She had to leave this place, this island is dangerous, where every smile masked a deeper, darker truth. Lucas, who had kidnapped her, was not who he seemed, and the fate of her friends weighed heavily on her heart.

As Y/N dashed through the forest, her thoughts raced, replaying the moment she had stumbled upon the horrifying truth. She had been so close to the shoreline, so close to freedom when she found it—the chilling evidence that her friends were gone.

Their clothes lay scattered amidst the foliage, tattered and stained with blood. Her heart had clenched, and tears blurred her vision. But the bodies of her friends were nowhere to be seen.

And then, just as despair and grief threatened to engulf her, just then Lucas appeared, his eyes blazing with anger and frustration. He had thwarted her escape, and his rage had been palpable.

Now, in the quiet of the forest, Lucas stepped into view once more. His presence was like a looming shadow, and Y/N felt a rush of fear and fury.

"You thought you could run away," Lucas growled, his voice low and dangerous.

But Y/N was beyond fear now. Her eyes, red-rimmed from tears and exhaustion, locked onto his. "Tell me the truth, Lucas," she demanded, her voice trembling but firm. "What happened to my friends?"

Lucas hesitated, his crimson eyes narrowing as if battling an inner turmoil. Then, with a sigh that seemed almost reluctant, he spoke, he spoke the truth (or should I say half truth,not including his part in this).

"The Naga border patrol squad found them," he began, his voice strained. "They had crossed into our territory, and according to our rules, they were deemed intruders. I only learned about it the day you wkke up. I... I didn't want to hurt you, so I lied."

Y/N's heart wrenched at the words. It was the confirmation of her worst fears—the truth about her friends. She had to know more, to understand the full extent of what had happened.

"What did they do to them?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Lucas swallowed hard, his grip on her tightening involuntarily. "I'm sorry, Y/N. They... they were killed."

The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. Y/N's legs gave way beneath her, and she sank to the ground, tears flowing freely. Her friends, those who had come with her on this ill-fated adventure, were gone.

Lucas knelt beside her, his expression tormented, or so it seemed. "Y/N, I know you're hurt," he murmured, reaching out to touch her cheek. "But there's nothing left for you out there. Stay with me. I'll protect you."

Y/N pulled away from his touch, her eyes filled with both sadness and fury. "Protect me? Like you protected them?"

Lucas recoiled as if her words were a physical blow. He had expected anger but not the depth of betrayal he saw in Y/N's eyes. She had glimpsed the truth, and he realized he couldn't control her with lies and manipulation for long.

For a moment, Y/N considered running again, escaping the island for good. But she was weary, physically and emotionally drained. Her legs refused to carry her further, and her heart ached with the loss of her friends.

Lucas, sensing her exhaustion and the futility of her escape, decided on a different approach. With a mixture of force and tenderness, he lifted Y/N into his arms and began to carry her back to their makeshift home.

Y/N, try to resist but was too drained to resist, unwillingly allowed herself to be taken back. She was defeated, her spirit broken by the revelation of her friends' fate. As Lucas settled her into their nest of blankets, he saw Y/N looking at him weakly with many emotions going on inside her.

Lucas's expression softened, and he reached out to gently caress her cheek. "I didn't want to burden you with such a painful truth. I care for you deeply, Y/N, and I didn't want to see you suffer."

Conflicting emotions swirled within Y/N. She wanted to trust Lucas, to believe that he had protected her, but the truth about her friends weighed heavily on her conscience.

"You have to understand," Lucas continued, his voice filled with earnestness. "I love you, Y/N. I would never harm you or those you care about. I want to build a life with you, free from the darkness of the past."

Y/N's heart ached as she looked into Lucas's eyes, searching for any hint of deception. She couldn't deny the genuine affection she felt for him.

For a moment, she wavered, torn between her loyalty to her friends and the desire for a future with Lucas. The dangerous island and its guardian had woven a web of complexity around her, and she was trapped in its threads.With these thoughts, she succumbed to exhaustion and grief, falling into a restless sleep.

Lucas watched her for a moment, a storm of conflicting emotions churning within him. He had wanted to protect her, to make her his, but his actions had driven her away. Now, all he could do was hope that in time, she would come to see that he was the only one who truly cared for her, even if the truth was far more complex and sinister than she could imagine.

With a heavy heart, Lucas lay down beside Y/N, his tail instinctively curling around her, pulling her close. As they drifted into a fitful slumber.

Published - 28 sep 2023

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