Chapter 16: Battling the Mermen

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Lucas's Pov:

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the island, and as Y/N and I prepared to explore the village, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was an unusual feeling for me. I, Lucas, the alpha of the Naga tribe, was not accustomed to fearing for my mate's safety.

As we walked hand in hand towards the main village area, Y/N's excitement was evident in her eyes. She was eager to meet my people, and I yearned to show her off to them, proud of the woman she had become.

We were met with a warm reception in the village. The Nagas were genuinely pleased to meet Y/N, and I could see their curiosity and kindness in their emerald eyes. Y/N chatted with them, learning about their customs and way of life.

Y/N had experienced many aspects of the tribe. She had tried some of our traditional foods, including the sweet and tangy "mong fruit," which she found delicious. She even attempted to dance along with the rhythmic movements of our ceremonial dances, earning appreciative applause from the Naga.

One elderly Naga woman had adorned Y/N with a beautiful necklace made of rare seashells, a symbol of acceptance and friendship. The gesture had brought a genuine smile to Y/N's face, and it warmed my heart.

Despite her initial fears and doubts, Y/N was now glowing with a newfound sense of belonging. The tribe had accepted her with open arms, and it had erased the painful memories of her past. I could see her contemplating whether it was worth returning to a world where she had been an outcast, bullied and starving.

Earlier when Y/N shared her past with me, her voice quivered with emotion, and tears welled up in her eyes. She spoke of the hardships she had endured as an orphan, how she had to fight just to have a meal a day, and the relentless bullying she had faced.

Her heart was heavy with the scars of her past, but she had found solace here with my tribe, where she was cherished and protected. It was clear that she was grappling with the decision of whether to return to a world that had caused her so much pain.

I took her hand and held it gently. "You belong here, with me," I assured her, my possessiveness and love for her shining in my crimson eyes.

After a few hours of mingling, Y/N mentioned her wish to stroll around the village. I agreed, but as an added precaution, I asked Serena, my sister, to accompany her. Serena was more than happy to oblige and took Y/N on a tour.

But as the day wore on, I couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that had crept over me. Something was not right, and it was as if an invisible hand was tightening around my heart. My instincts screamed a warning that danger was imminent.

A little while later, while I was talking to the tribe's elders, Serena came running towards me, her face a mix of panic and concern. She looked around, checking if anyone was close enough to hear her words, and then leaned in to whisper.

"Lucas, there are Mermen on the island."

My heart stopped for a moment. The Mermen were known for their fierce nature and their unending desire for conquest. And they might had one particular interest on their minds now, Y/N.

Before I could react, Serena explained how she and Y/N had been strolling by the cliffs when a group of Mermen had appeared. They had been captivated by Y/N's presence, the same way I had been, but with far less honorable intentions.

What Happened was:

Unbeknownst to us, while Y/N and Lucas enjoyed their day in the village, a group of Mermen had been lurking in the depths of the ocean waters, watching our every move. Their cold, calculating eyes were fixated on Y/N, and their desire for her grew with each passing moment.

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