Chapter 5: A Desperate Attempt

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow on the island, Y/N found herself tied up to the bed, her heart pounding with fear and desperation. She had attempted to escape, using false promises of love and acceptance, hoping to manipulate Lucas into setting her free. But her plan had failed miserably, and now she was facing the consequences of her actions.

A Few Hours Ago:

Y/N knew she had to be cautious in her approach if she wanted to escape from Lucas' clutches. She feigned acceptance and gratitude, acting as if she had come to terms with her situation and even started to develop feelings for him. It was a façade she carefully constructed, all the while hiding her true intentions.

After her conversation with Lucas in that dark room she decided to try and run away from here and hopefully find her friends in that process, so after that day whenever Lucas approached her with gifts or food, she would smile and thank him, pretending to be charmed by his gestures. She would engage in conversation, listening intently to his stories about the Naga tribe and the island's secrets. Deep down, her heart pounded with fear and anxiety, but she knew that showing any sign of resistance could be dangerous.

Lucas seemed to believe her false display of affection, which only fueled her plan. He started to trust her, allowing her more freedom within their living space. Y/N took advantage of this trust, subtly studying the layout of the cave and the surrounding areas, planning her escape routes.

It's been 5 days since her conversation with Lucas that day. One day, when Lucas was away, Y/N seized the opportunity to make her move. She pretended to be asleep, taking a peaceful nap in their bed, but her mind was focused on finding a way out. She waited until she was sure he wouldn't return anytime soon before quietly slipping out of their home.

Carefully, she navigated through the dense forest, her heart pounding with every step. She had to be silent and swift, avoiding any branches that might snap and draw attention. The island was unfamiliar, and she had no idea where she was headed, but she couldn't let fear deter her from trying to escape.

As she made her way towards the coast, she tried to keep her mind focused on the hope of reaching civilization or find her friends and returning home. But doubts and fears gnawed at her, wondering if Lucas would find her before she could escape the island.

Just as she was nearing the shore, the sound of rustling leaves behind her made her freeze. She turned around to see Lucas standing there, his crimson eyes locked on her with a mix of anger and disappointment. He had caught her, and her attempt to deceive him had failed.

"You thought you could run from me?" Lucas' voice was low and dangerous, and Y/N felt her heart sink.

Her body ached from the struggle, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she begged him to let her go. But Lucas was unmoved by her pleas, his resolve firm. He had been hurt by her attempt to deceive him, and now, he was determined to show her the consequences of betraying his trust.

Dragging her back to their makeshift home, Lucas threw Y/N onto the bed with force, and she felt the weight of his anger bearing down on her. His crimson eyes bore into her, filled with a mix of disappointment and possessiveness.

"You thought you could deceive me with false love, my mate?" Lucas' voice was cold and harsh, his grip on her wrists unyielding. "Did you think I wouldn't see through your lies?"

Y/N's heart raced as she tried to find the right words to explain herself, but fear and guilt choked her voice. She realized now that her attempt to manipulate him had only deepened his obsession and made the situation worse.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't want to hurt you. I just wanted to go back home."

Lucas' eyes softened momentarily, but the anger quickly returned. "You are my home and I'm your home now," he said, his tone possessive and firm. "You belong with me, and I will not let you leave."

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