Chapter 7: The Mark

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Lucas watched Y/N from the shadows of their makeshift home, his crimson eyes fixed on her with a mix of possessiveness and longing. He had marked her, their bond forged by the unbreakable connection of fate. The mark, though unbeknownst to Y/N, had already started its subtle work, drawing them closer, igniting an attraction that neither could deny.

Unsure of her feelings, Y/N sat by the fire, her gaze distant as she poked at the flames with a stick. She felt a strange warmth whenever Lucas was near, and it both frightened and confused her. The captive gradually began to wonder if she was developing Stockholm Syndrome, a disturbing thought that filled her with self-loathing.

As the day passed, she couldn't help but find comfort in Lucas' presence, his stories, and the simple routines they had established on the island. It was as if he was the only constant in her life, the one thing she could rely on in this unfamiliar and perilous world.

That evening, unable to suppress her curiosity any longer, Y/N turned to Lucas, her voice hesitant. "Lucas, what happened to my friends? Have you seen them since...since you captured me?"

Lucas looked at her with an unreadable expression, torn between the desire to protect her and the fear of her leaving him. He decided to lie but with partial truth, one that would serve his purpose. "I sent someone to find your friends," he began, his voice gentle. "But when they reached your friends, they found an old boat, one of the fae's perhaps. It seemed your friends managed to escape the island."

Y/N's heart sank, a mix of relief and sadness washing over her. Relief that her friends might be safe, but sadness that they had left her behind. "Did they... did they say anything about me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lucas hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "They told me your friends were worried about you," he said, his gaze intense. "But when they saw the boat, they decided to leave the island without waiting for you. They believed you were dead, taken by the dangers of the forest."

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she processed this information. She felt a profound sense of abandonment, a belief that her friends had given up on her. And in that moment of vulnerability, Lucas reached out to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a comforting embrace.

"They must have left because they thought it was the only way to survive," he whispered, his voice filled with faux sympathy. "But I'm here for you, Y/N. I care about you, and I will never leave you behind."

Y/N's emotions were in turmoil, and she clung to Lucas, a part of her yearning for the comfort and security he offered. She was beginning to feel torn between her desire to escape and her growing attachment to the Naga who had captured her.

Lucas, sensing her vulnerability, decided to take his manipulation further. "Y/N," he began softly, "I've been thinking... maybe we can be a family. I have a little sister, and she's married with kids. They're my only family left since..."

He trailed off, allowing Y/N's imagination to fill in the gaps. She couldn't help but be curious about Lucas' family and what had happened to the others. Her fear was mingled with a strange longing for connection, something she had yearned for all her life.

"'d introduce me to them?" she asked, her voice tinged with nervousness.

Lucas nodded, his grip on her tightening slightly. "Yes," he replied, his tone gentle. "I want you to meet them, to be a part of our family. You and I, Y/N, we could have a future together. I would do anything to make you happy."

Y/N's will to escape wavered in that moment. She was torn between the life she had known and the enigmatic Naga who had captured her. Lucas had manipulated her emotions, playing on her vulnerability, and now she found herself considering a future that she had once vehemently rejected.

As they sat by the fire, the bond between them, marked by fate and an unspoken attraction, continued to grow stronger. Lucas watched Y/N with a sense of triumph, believing that he was winning her over, while Y/N grappled with conflicting emotions, unsure of the path she was now destined to follow.

Published - 7 sep 2023

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