Chapter 4: Torn Between Worlds

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up from my sleep to find Lucas sitting beside me, a warm smile on his face. It was disconcerting to see him like this, knowing that he had kidnapped me and claimed me as his mate. He asked if I had a good sleep and offered me food he had prepared - deer meat soup and fresh fruits.

My stomach growled loudly, betraying my hunger. I tried to resist, to show him that I wouldn't be swayed by his attempts to care for me. But the aroma of the food was tempting, and my body couldn't ignore the hunger it felt.

Lucas chuckled at my stomach's protest and lovingly held a spoonful of soup for me. He blew on it gently to cool it down before offering it to me. I hesitated, still unsure of whether to trust him or not. However, the prospect of food and the need to maintain my strength to escape overpowered my doubts.

Reluctantly, I let him feed me, and the taste of the soup surprised me. It was delicious, and I couldn't help but feel a bit of gratitude towards him for providing me with a warm meal after a day without food.

After I finished eating, Lucas untied me from the bed, which caught me off guard. But my hopes of escape were dashed when he explained that he was only untying me so that I could freshen up before he gave me a bath. The thought of him bathing me made me uncomfortable, and I protested vehemently.

However, he shut down my objections with a dominant and possessive tone, claiming that as mates, it was his responsibility to take care of me, and that included bathing together. He warned me of the consequences of defying him, and in fear of his violent side, I reluctantly agreed.

As I freshened up, he prepared a bath, and when I stepped into the warm water, he joined me. His touch was gentle, and he seemed genuinely concerned for my well-being but it was too much for me to be in the bath together with my kidnapped and i hated being touched by someone I don't know. So I tried to resist his actions, which made him mad but he didn't do anything then and the reality of the situation hit me - I was trapped with a possessive and obsessive Naga who believed he owned me.

He dried me off and made me wear clothes that his little sister had prepared when I was first kidnapped. His act of kindness and his bipolar nature confused me, and I couldn't understand his intentions.

When he asked for my forgiveness, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that he might let me go. But instead, he locked me inside a dark room with nothing but a thin blanket. I was scared of being alone in the dark, and tears streamed down my face as I pleaded with him to let me out.

He responded from the other side of the door, explaining that he had to do this to make me understand that I belonged to him and it is the punishment for trying to resist him. He assured me that he is going out but would be back soon and would feed me when he returned.

As he left, I felt a mix of emotions - fear, anger, and confusion. How could he claim to care for me while keeping me locked up like this? My heart ached for my friends, and I worried about what had happened to them. I couldn't help but wonder if they were still alive, searching for me or are dead since it's a dangerous place.

Lucas' POV:

Leaving Y/N locked inside the dark room tore at my heart. I knew she was scared and confused, but I had to show her that she was mine, that she belonged to me.

I made my way to the heart of the tribe, my mind preoccupied with the responsibilities of being the head of the North Naga tribe. My people relied on me, and I couldn't neglect my duties, even for her.

My sister approached me with concerns about Y/N and her well-being. She knew about my infatuation with the human girl and questioned my actions. I brushed off her worries, claiming that I was doing what was best for both of us.

As I attended to tribal matters, my thoughts kept drifting back to Y/N. I hated to punish her, but it was necessary to make her understand our connection. I couldn't bear the thought of her defying me or trying to escape.

As the day wore on, I couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at my conscience. I cared for her deeply, and the pain I had caused her weighed heavily on me. But I knew that this was the only way to make her realize that she was meant to be with me.

Finally, as the sun was about to set, I made my way back to the cave. My heart ached at the thought of her still locked up in the dark room. I hoped she had calmed down and understood the depth of our bond.

When I opened the door, I found Y/N sitting on the ground, tears staining her cheeks. It broke my heart to see her like this, but I had to stay strong for both of us.

"I brought you some food," I said gently, offering her a plate of fruits and cooked deer meat. "I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me."

Her eyes met mine, and I could see the pain and confusion in them. She hesitated for a moment before accepting the food. I sat beside her, keeping a respectful distance, and watched as she ate.

"I know you may not understand or accept our connection right now," I began softly, "but I promise you, with time, you will come to see that we are meant to be together."

Y/N's eyes filled with anger and frustration as she swallowed her food. "You can't force someone to love you," she said defiantly.

I sighed, reaching out to wipe away her tears. "I know, and I don't want to force you. I want you to come to love me willingly, but I can't let you go until you understand our bond. I promise to make you happy, to protect you, and to cherish you as my mate."

Her eyes narrowed, and she seemed to be struggling with conflicting emotions. "You kidnapped me and locked me up," she said, her voice shaking with anger. "How can I trust you?"

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I know I've done things that seem cruel and possessive, but I did it out of love and a desire to keep you safe," I said earnestly. "I want to build a future with you, Y/N. Please, just give me a chance to show you that I can be the mate you deserve."

Y/N's emotions were a whirlwind, and I could see the internal struggle she was facing. I wished I could take away her pain and doubts, but I knew that time was the only thing that could heal her wounds and bring us together.

With a heavy heart, I stood up and turned to leave the room. "I'll give you some space to think," I said softly. "But remember, you are mine, and I will always come back for you no matter where ever you are ,even if i have to search the whole world I will find you and have you right next to me, Always!"

As I walked away, I couldn't help but hope that one day, she would come to accept our bond and the love I had for her. Until then, I would wait for her, even if it meant facing the darkest parts of myself to prove my devotion to her.

Published - 2 Aug 2023

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