Chapter 12: Clash of Possession

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The atmosphere grew tense as the persistent Naga continued his approach, seemingly undeterred by the danger that emanated from Lucas. He moved with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, his eyes locked onto Y/N as if she were the only prize worth winning.

Lucas's grip on Y/N tightened as the stranger drew nearer, his crimson eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. His tail, powerful and menacing, shifted with an underlying energy, ready to defend his mate at all costs.

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, torn between fear, confusion, and a strange sense of flattery. Unwanted attention and a potential conflict were the last things she had expected when she agreed to visit the main village area.

The persistent Naga stopped a few feet away, an unsettling smile on his face. "Alpha Lucas, I see you've brought your beautiful mate to meet the village. She truly is a gem."

Lucas's voice was cold and warning. "You should not have approached her, Amarok. She is mine, and I will not tolerate your advances."

Amarok, undeterred, continued to address Y/N. "Forgive my intrusion, dear lady. I only wished to express my admiration. You see, in our world, beauty is a treasure beyond measure, and you, my dear, are a priceless jewel."

Y/N, feeling increasingly uncomfortable under Amarok's gaze, looked to Lucas for support. Lucas, however, appeared ready to unleash his wrath, his dominant and possessive instincts in full display.

Amarok's words may have been flattering in another context, but given the situation and the tension that filled the air, they only served to agitate Lucas further.

Lucas's tail, now bristling like an angered cobra, lashed out with lightning speed, attempting to strike Amarok. However, Amarok's reflexes were just as swift, and he narrowly dodged the attack.

The village onlookers, sensing the impending clash, had gathered around, forming a circle as they watched the unfolding drama with keen interest. These Nagas had seen their share of confrontations, but rarely between two suitors vying for the same mate.

Y/N, caught in the middle of this escalating conflict, tried to speak up. "Please, can't we resolve this peacefully? There's no need for violence."

Amarok, though he had been the one to initiate the confrontation, seemed to agree. "Indeed, violence is unnecessary. Let the lady decide."

But Lucas was in no mood for compromise. His instincts and possessive nature were unleashed, and his emerald eyes blazed with intensity. "She has already made her choice. She is mine."

Amarok's attempt at diplomacy had only intensified Lucas's anger. Their exchange had reached a tipping point, and the tension in the air was palpable.

As the villagers looked on, uncertain of how this would unfold, Y/N found herself in a precarious position. She was the subject of their dispute, her feelings and desires largely ignored. She would have to make a choice, and her decision would undoubtedly alter the course of her life on this enigmatic island.

With her heart heavy and conflicted, Y/N prepared to make a decision that would either solidify her connection with Lucas or lead her down a path she had not foreseen. The moment of truth had arrived.

Published - 14 Oct 2023

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