Chapter 11: New Beginnings

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The sun had barely peeked over the horizon when Lucas woke Y/N. They had a big day ahead - an introduction to the main village area where Lucas was the respected leader of their Naga tribe. Excitement and anxiety swirled within her as she prepared to meet the people of this enigmatic society.

Lucas watched her with a tender smile, his crimson eyes filled with pride. He had waited for this day, eager to show off his human mate to the world. Yet beneath the excitement, his possessiveness lingered like a shadow.

As they made their way to the heart of the village, Y/N was struck by the community's sheer size. Naga, young and old, went about their daily activities. They all turned to see the new face accompanying Lucas, their curiosity piqued.

Lucas, the powerful Alpha, introduced her with pride. "This is Y/N, my mate," he declared, his voice firm and possessive. "She is to be loved and respected by all of you."

Y/N felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation as the members of the tribe began to approach. They smiled and welcomed her warmly, their eyes filled with genuine interest. They admired her delicate human features and the exoticness of a creature not seen among their kind.

Lucas' sister, who had accompanied them, was instrumental in helping Y/N integrate. She spoke kindly of Y/N, sharing stories of their time together, and it warmed the hearts of the Naga. They listened eagerly, their fascination growing.

Y/N was soon surrounded by a group of children who were enchanted by her. Their innocent curiosity made her relax. She showed them pictures in a small book she carried (which was among the stuff she originally had in her bag when accidentally coming to this island for the very first) and talked about the world beyond the island.

Y/N was initially nervous as the children gathered around her, their curious eyes filled with wonder and their scales shimmering in shades of blue and green. She knelt down, her book of pictures in hand, and smiled at the eager young Naga.

The children didn't hesitate to ask questions, their voices a melodious chorus of curiosity. "What's it like where you're from?" one of them inquired, her young eyes wide with interest.

Y/N described her world beyond the island, telling them about tall buildings and bustling cities, the endless stretches of forests, and the vast blue oceans. Their enchantment grew as she spoke, painting vivid images with her words.

Another child, a young boy with azure scales, asked, "Do you have any special abilities like us?"

Y/N chuckled, "No, I don't. I can't swim as gracefully as you, and I definitely can't do this," she said, admiring as one of the Naga children gracefully swam through the nearby stream. "But I can do other things, like draw and tell stories."

The children were enthralled as Y/N opened her book to show them the drawings. They pointed excitedly at various animals and objects, asking her to describe them. Y/N's heart swelled with a sense of connection as she shared her world with these Naga children.

Lucas's sister Serena, a kind and empathetic Naga woman, also joined the conversation. She told stories of the island and its history, intertwining it with the tales of her people. Her voice was soothing, and she spoke with a deep affection for the Naga way of life.

"You see," she said to Y/N, "we may be different, but we all share the same love for our island and our people. It's in our hearts to protect each other and our home."

As the day progressed, Y/N found herself growing more comfortable with the Naga people. They were warm and welcoming, and it was apparent that Lucas was highly respected among them.

However, amid the friendliness, a male Naga began approaching her. He was strikingly handsome (not more than Lucas), and he offered her fruits and flowers, trying to impress her with his strength and charm. He was not dissuaded by her polite refusals, and he continued to pursue her, despite her being uncomfortable with him.

Lucas, who had been watching this from a distance, could no longer contain his anger. He approached the persistent Naga with a deadly seriousness in his crimson eyes. In a low, dangerous tone, he spoke to the offender.

"Stay away from what is mine," Lucas warned, his possessiveness brimming to the surface. "I won't tolerate anyone harassing my mate."

The other Naga, unable to challenge Lucas's authority, stepped back with a defeated expression. The Alpha's dominance was unquestionable, and he made it clear that Y/N was under his protection.

Lucas gently pulled Y/N closer to him, his tail coiled around her possessively. She leaned into him, feeling both reassured by his protectiveness and troubled by the reminder of his extreme possessiveness.

As the day wore on, the villagers gathered to share a communal meal in celebration of Y/N's arrival. She was warmly welcomed and admired by the tribe. Y/N was overwhelmed by the reception, but the day was a turning point. The tribe embraced her presence, and she started to feel like she might find her place among them, and that for the first time in her life she can have a family and a place that wants her unlike her place back her original home where she was always unwanted.

Lucas observed with pride, his possessiveness momentarily appeased. He saw the curiosity in Y/N's eyes, her interest in the Naga way of life. It gave him hope that she would grow to love the island and eventually return his all-consuming affection.

As the villagers sang and danced in celebration, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flicker of optimism. She was far from home, in a place she couldn't have imagined, but maybe, just maybe, she could find happiness amidst these creatures, even as she grappled with the complexities of her possessive and powerful Naga mate.

Time skip~

As the day's festivities drew to a close, the Naga villagers began to disperse, returning to their daily routines. The warm, welcoming atmosphere began to dim, leaving a sense of foreboding in its wake.

Y/N and Lucas stood on the outskirts of the main village area, the sun casting long shadows across the land. Y/N had begun to feel a growing sense of acceptance, yet the mysteries of this island and its people weighed heavily on her mind.

Lucas, ever the possessive mate, couldn't help but be aware of the doubts that lingered in her eyes. He pulled her closer, his tail wrapped around her as if to shield her from any harm.

But as the villagers dispersed, one figure remained in the distance, lurking in the shadows, eyes locked onto Y/N with a predatory gleam. The persistent Naga who had pursued her earlier had not been completely deterred by Lucas's warning.

His intentions remained unclear, but it was evident that his infatuation with Y/N had not abated. The air crackled with tension as he approached, a challenging glint in his eyes.

Lucas, sensing the encroaching threat, bristled with possessive anger. His scales seemed to shimmer with a dangerous energy, ready to defend what is his. Y/N, her unease growing, held her breath, uncertain of what was about to unfold.

A showdown loomed, a confrontation that had been building since the moment Y/N arrived on this strange island. As the persistent Naga drew near them...

Published - 14 Oct 2023

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