(side story - 1) Innocence and Wonder

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Amidst the tranquility of their forest sanctuary, nestled in the comforting embrace of the dense foliage, life for the Naga family unfolded in moments both ordinary and extraordinary. As Y/N's second pregnancy progressed, the air was ripe with anticipation and excitement.

One balmy afternoon, as the sun cast its golden hue upon the verdant canopy, Y/N found herself surrounded by the curious innocence of childhood. Orion and Sylvan, their eyes wide with wonder, approached their mother with a barrage of questions, their youthful curiosity piqued by the mysteries of life.

"Mommy, how are babies made?" Orion, the bolder of the twins, ventured forth with his inquiry, his voice a mixture of curiosity and innocence.

Y/N, caught off guard by the unexpected query, exchanged a glance with Lucas, whose emerald eyes twinkled with amusement. Suppressing a chuckle, she knelt down to their level, her expression a blend of maternal warmth and gentle amusement.

"Well, you see, babies are made when a mommy and daddy love each other very much," Y/N began, her words measured and gentle, as she attempted to navigate the delicate terrain of parental explanations.

Orion and Sylvan exchanged puzzled glances, their brows furrowing in confusion. "But Mommy, did you eat the baby?" Sylvan's innocent inquiry, tinged with a hint of concern, sent waves of laughter rippling through the forest.

Y/N's cheeks flushed with amusement as she exchanged a bemused glance with Lucas, who stood nearby, his expression a testament to his sheer adoration for his family. Suppressing a laugh, she reassured her curious offspring with a gentle smile.

"No, sweetheart, I didn't eat the baby," Y/N replied, her voice laced with affectionate amusement. "Babies grow inside their mommy's tummy until they're ready to be born."

The twins, their faces alight with newfound understanding, nodded in solemn agreement, their youthful curiosity momentarily satisfied. As they scampered off to resume their explorations, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the innocence of childhood and the boundless curiosity that colored their world.

Turning to Lucas, she found him regarding her with a gaze that spoke volumes—a silent testament to the depth of his affection and admiration. In that fleeting moment, amidst the laughter of their children and the serenity of their forest sanctuary, Y/N felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the extraordinary life they shared.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the forest floor, the Naga family reveled in the beauty of the moment—a tapestry woven with threads of love, laughter, and the timeless bonds that bound them together. And amidst the gentle hum of nature's symphony, they found solace in the simple joys of family and the enduring magic of love.

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