Chapter 20 : Guardians of Crimson Serenity

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In the depths of the ocean, word of Y/n's pregnancy reached the ears of the mermaid community. Whispers of the unborn child, a symbol of love between naga and human, stirred the underwater currents. Among them, the mermaid leader, still resentful and blinded by delusion, caught wind of the news.

Fury, like a tempest beneath the waves, consumed him. His eyes, once filled with a possessive hunger, now burned with an enraged fire. The idea that Y/n, the one he considered his possession, would bear another's child ignited a rage that distorted his perception of reality.

His followers, oblivious to the complexity of emotions, witnessed the leader's descent into madness. "She carries his spawn!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the underwater caverns. The mermaids exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to react to their leader's irrational wrath.

The mermaid leader, driven by a delusional claim on Y/n, decided he would confront the naga, the source of his perceived betrayal. In his distorted reality, Y/n was his, and no other creature had the right to share in the creation of life with her.

The ocean currents carried him swiftly towards the shores, where the naga tribe dwelled. As he breached the surface, his shimmering scales glistening in the moonlight, his eyes were filled with a dangerous determination.

In the heart of the naga territory, the air tingled with an eerie tension. Lucas, unaware of the brewing storm beneath the waves, enjoyed a moment of respite with Y/n. The forest, usually a sanctuary, felt an unspoken disturbance.

The mermaid leader emerged from the water, his eyes locked onto Y/n. "You carry his spawn!" he accused, his words laced with a venomous rage that betrayed a delusional possessiveness.

Y/n, startled and afraid, clung to Lucas. "What is he talking about?" she whispered, her eyes searching Lucas's face for answers.

Lucas, his tail coiling protectively around Y/n, faced the mermaid leader with a stern expression. "She carries our child, not yours. She is not your possession."

But the mermaid leader, lost to the delusion that clouded his mind, refused to accept the truth. "You won't have her or the child!" he snarled, summoning a torrent of water with a flick of his tail.

Amidst the shadows of the dense forest, Lucas stood firm, his crimson eyes ablaze with determination as the mermaid leader emerged from water. The air thickened with tension, and the murmurs of the naga and mermaid tribes hushed into a silent anticipation.

The mermaid leader, adorned with scales that shimmered like moonlit waves, approached Lucas with a sinister grin. "I challenge you, Naga, for the right to claim her," he declared, his eyes fixated on Y/n, who stood at a distance, her heart pounding with fear.

Lucas, his tail coiled and ready, accepted the challenge with a nod. "I accept. But know this, merman, she is mine and will always be mine alone."

The battleground was set, the forest echoing with the tension of the impending clash. Y/n could feel the weight of the situation pressing upon her. She wished it hadn't come to this, the clash of two tribes over her fate.

As the first strike was thrown, the clash of scales and tails reverberated through the forest. The combatants moved with a deadly grace, each maneuver calculated to overpower the other. Y/n watched with bated breath, torn between fear for Lucas and an inexplicable concern for the mermaid leader.

The mermaid leader, fueled by desperation, lunged at Lucas with renewed vigor. "Once I defeat you, she will be mine," he hissed, his eyes filled with a possessive fervor.

As the battle raged on, the mermaid leader, consumed by his irrational possessiveness, fought with a relentless desperation. However, the naga, defending what was rightfully theirs, proved too formidable an opponent.

Lucas, however, was not one to yield easily. His movements were precise, each strike demonstrating years of honed skill. The battle raged on, both sides refusing to concede.

In a decisive move, Lucas managed to overpower the mermaid leader, coiling his tail around him in a grip that left no room for escape. The mermaid leader, defeated and gasping for breath, met Lucas's gaze one last time before succumbing.

In the end, as the ocean waves settled, the defeated mermaid leader's dead body sank beneath the surface slowly turning into water. His delusional claim extinguished, the ocean currents carried him away, leaving behind a quiet aftermath.

Y/n, a witness to the entire ordeal, felt a mix of relief and lingering fear. The mermaid leader's dying words echoed in her mind, a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Lucas, victorious but weary, approached Y/n, his eyes softening. "He won't trouble you anymore," he assured her, his possessive nature momentarily replaced by a gentleness that only Y/n witnessed.

The news of the mermaid leader's defeat spread through the tribes. A meeting was called in the town area, where Lucas officially declared the victory and the safety of their territory. The celebration was a mix of relief and joy, the tribes united against a common threat that was a problem for many years.

she couldn't shake off the lingering fear. The mermaid leader might be gone, but the shadows of the past still loomed. In Lucas's arms, she found solace.

That night, as the moon cast its glow over the tranquil forest, Y/n lay in Lucas's embrace. Y/n clung to Lucas, her eyes filled with residual fear. The battle had been fierce, and the threat to their newfound happiness had been palpable. In the quiet aftermath, Y/n's trembling voice broke the silence.

"Lucas," she began, her words almost a whisper, "I was so scared. I thought... I thought I might lose you. Lose us."

Lucas, the weight of the recent battle still etched on his features, gently cradled her face in his hands. His crimson eyes, usually fierce and determined, softened with a tenderness reserved for Y/n alone. "You won't lose me," he said, his voice a soothing murmur. "I'll always be here. I'll protect you, and our child."

Y/n's gaze met his, searching for the truth in his eyes. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heart against her own, grounding her in the reality of their shared existence. "But what if... what if there's more danger ahead? What if they come back?" Her voice trembled with the weight of uncertainties.

Lucas brushed a gentle thumb across her cheek, wiping away a lingering tear. "We'll face whatever comes together. I won't let anything harm you or our child. I swear."

His reassurance, a solemn vow, provided a balm to her worried heart. Y/n nestled into his embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of his tail coiled protectively around her. As they lay beneath the starlit canopy of their home, the distant sounds of the ocean waves served as a reminder of the battles fought and the newfound challenges ahead.

"You know," Lucas murmured, his lips grazing the top of her head, "our child is going to be strong, just like their mother. And I'll teach them everything about our world, about how to navigate these challenges. They'll grow up in a world where they're loved and protected."

A quiet smile played on Y/n's lips. The thought of their unborn child brought a mix of emotions—fear, hope, and a profound sense of responsibility. Together, they drifted into a shared reverie, imagining the laughter and joy their child would bring to their lives.

Wrapped in the embrace of each other, they fell asleep, the rustling leaves above them providing a gentle lullaby. In the quiet of the night, with the protective presence of Lucas beside her, Y/n dreamt of a future where their child would thrive, surrounded by the love and strength of their unconventional family.

Published - 19 Nov 2023

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