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It's been 3 days since Ari gave birth , they were now at the glass house and she hasn't woken up yet.

Liam was panicked and in pain the pain the children inflicted on him was beyond his control.

Peter walked in back from the hunt " you need to rest when they're asleep so you won't be drained" he voiced.

" I ju..". "the house is hidden and shielded, if anything tries to pass through we all will feel it , the kids are asleep Anita can take care of everything " Liam looked at him.

" What's going on between you two?" , " Me and Anita?" He asked and Liam nodded.

"Isn't it obvious? She's my mate but we can't be together " , " why?" , " She and Amarillo can't be in the same place and I can't be without him " , " so you don't even visit her? I mean you can do that " , "for how long will I move between the two worlds? What if she carry my pups do you think I'll be able to leave her ? I am a God I am to protect all living being and keep the balance of the world , if I mark her I won't be able to stay away from her it might result in us both dying and the world going into a frenzy".

"What if the opposite happens?" , " What?" , " What if it's all in your head? You've never tested the theory of what would happen is she and her brother would live together now that Zitec is gone , why don't you try?" He sighed.

" If you don't try you'll never know Anita is marrying someone in a month will you be able to live with that? I'll talk to Amarillo there is no harm in trying once everything has settled down , they survived and lived for so long for me to know more of my children I need to see things from them" Amarillo stood behind them sensing Anita eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Ani do you want to try?" He voiced catching Liam and Peter off guard they followed his eyes where Anita slowly appeared.

" Do you want to live with me ? Last time y..." , " Ani I was young and we had just lost our brother I wanted to protect you from this world , you're all I had ofcourse I had to push you away , that way I wouldn't have to worry about you , I am sorry my ways hurt both you and Peter it was never my intentions , I just wanted to make sure you both were okay , if you both want to try I don't mind " Anita walked to her brother and hugged him.

He tensed up but eventually hugged her back his whole body calming down " Thank you " he rubbed her back " as long as you're happy that's all I ask for your happiness " Liam smiled looking up at them then at Peter as his chest moved up and down fast.

" He's my brother Cyrus" Anita voiced still hugging Amarillo and Liam chuckled " once you two are mated we're all gonna be in trouble someone is possessive " they all chuckled and Peter got up and walked off.

" Don't worry about him he'll be fine , Liam go sleep Ani will wake you up when it's feeding time" he nodded and got up sleeping next to Ari in bed.

I've been so panicked since Dallas hasn't woken up , they said he is fine but why isn't he waking up.

" Elester sweetheart you should rest Dallas will be fine for a few hours " Roliza voiced coming into the room with a tray of food.

" I'll feel better if I stay here mom , I just want to make sure he's fine" , " then eat " she pushed the tray infront of me " eat or ill demand" I sighed taking the tray and started eating.

Once I was done she got up and left , " Henry please wake up , or squeeze my hand let me know you're okay , I am really worried " I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

" It's all my fault we could've been happly mated right now with our kids running around, I ruined everything, please don't leave me I don't know what I'd do if I lost you Henry please wake up , you're scaring me" I wiped my tears away laying my head on the bed as my hand locked in his eventually I fell asleep.

3rd person POV
Dallas opened his eyes , flinching as the sunlight hits his eyes.

He tries covering his eyes with his hand but it was locked in tightly by someone, he groaned getting up.

His face softened seeing Elester sleeping with his hand in hers he moves closer to her and sees dry tears on her.

He gently picks her up and let her sleep ontop of him , he close his eyes and fall asleep again.

After what seemed like forever Elester woke up locked into Dallas arms she turned and looked at him her hand cupping his cheek " Henry" her soft voiced.

" Yes love" he answered his eyes still closed tears formed in her eyes " are you really awake ?" He opened his eyes looking straight into hers.

" How can I not wake up after all the speeches you gave me crying?" Elester looked down sucking on her lower lip.

Dallas finger pushed hair away from her face then lifted her chin up " I will always come back to you , I will never leave you , okay" she nodded he kissed her forehead and pecked her lips.

Shutting his eyes again " are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?" , " I am fine I have you , I just need to rest you should too you look like you haven't slept in a while" he pulled her closer to him snuggling her in.

Elester listened to his heart beat " Lina" , " mhhh " , " I love you" Elester froze looking up at him , " I love you more " he smiled with his eyes still closed " I know , I figured all that crying wasn't for nothing " Elester hit him on his chest and he chuckled.

" I heard everything " he pulled her in kissing the top of her head " what got my attention was our kids , you said you wanted 5 , maybe we should start having them right away" he teased nipping her earlobe , her whole face turned red " Henry!" He laughed.

He kissed the top of her head and fell asleep.

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