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Ari opened her eyes , with the need to pee , she tried getting up but Liam held on to her tightly.

"Liam" she whispered not wanting to wake the kids but he was fast asleep, she wiggled her body.

"Liam , I swear if you don't let g..." Liam attacked her with a hug catching her of guard.

" You're finally awake , don't scare me like that again" he let go of Ari and she ran out of bed he chuckled following behind her.

She sat down and he stood next to her , " what are you doing?" , " Nothing" , " I mean here why are you here?" Liam chuckled.

"Firstly I missed you , secondly I know it will be painful" he pointed at the droplets of blood on the floor.

"Thirdly I don't want you walking around in pain , lets take a shower so you can wear a new underwear and pad , I didn't know which one you liked so I bought four different on..." Ari clenched feeling pain.

"What's wrong? Why am I in pain ? Aren't werewolves suppose to heal faster? How long was I out?" , " The kids uhmm they bit on your insides before you gave birth , you're healing but slowly, Peter said it's because both you and your wolf were unconscious, and its been 4 days"

"4 days? Are you okay? Are you in pain? Are the kids hur..." Liam lifted her off the toilet seat it was filled with blood he placed her inside the shower taking off her dress.

He flushed walking out of the bathroom into the room getting her a fresh pair of underwear and some pads.

He walked back into the bathroom opening up the pad and putting it over her underwear, Ari looked down at all the blood on the floor and chewed on her lower lip.

Liam undressed and got into the shower with her , she flinched not liking how her body looked she covered herself moving away from him but he held on to her arm pulling her infront of him.

He opened up the water letting it hit both they bodies he poured shampoo on his hand and rubbed her hair gently, Ari closed her eyes enjoying everything.

Once her hair was done he , poured shower gel on a scrunchy and washed her body taking his time , to take in the view of her , Ari was uncomfortable and he could see it but he wouldn't say anything.

When they were done he pulled her out of the shower dried her body gave her the underwear and lotioned her body , he gave her one of his shirt and sweat pants to wear then lifted her up sitting her down on the couch.

He walked out coming back with food " eat " he demanded walking away from her changing the sheets and mopping the floor.

"Ari" , " mhhh" , " why aren't you eating?" She chewed on her bottom lip , he walked to her pulling her up and placing her on his lap , he started feeding her.

" Am I not your partner?" He asked and she nodded " then why do you feel embarrassed? Are we not in this together " Ari looked at him her eyes teary.

He cupped he cheeks " if I can't take care of you when you need me , then I don't love you , you have nothing to be embarrassed off , you just had the hardest time giving birth to our 3 healthy babies, you did good sweetheart now it's time for me to take care of you " he pecked her lips.

" I know you'll feel insecure about your body , the stretch marks and the way your stomach looks and how you've lost weight, but sweetheart please know that you'll gain your weight back , your stomach will heal in a week , and those stretch marks well those are the marks of your strength, everytime you see them you should think of how strong you are to be the first in 5000 years to carry and birth healthy babies, I am proud of you and I love you , the change in your body won't change the way I feel for you , my eyes will always look for you and my heart will beat only for you , don't hide yourself from me you're hurting my feelings , you making it seem as if I am not yours and you aren't mine" he softly kissed her squeezing her ass as they deepen the kiss.

They broke the kiss " do you want to see the kids?" , She nodded " have you named them?" , " No I was waiting for you to wake up " she flushed.

" Mhhh is that a blush I see?" Liam teased and she buried her face on his face he chuckled.

" Ari" she peeped up looking at him " I missed you " he hugged her again.

" Are you okay?" She asked " I'll be fine it's not that bad" he answered honestly.

Anita walked in with Peter and Amarillo holding the kids.

" Look whose awake " , Ari struggled not knowing which one to take and they all chuckled the boys had green eyes and the girls had hazel eyes they all had dimples.

" Why are they so quiet?" She asked taking both boys as Liam took the girl.

" Well these are the sweetest children I've ever met, they don't cry , they fed well and sleep on they own " Anita voiced.

One of the boys held on to Ari's finger and started sucking on it " Fiona take it out" Amarillo warned.

She flinched seeing his eyes flicker to purple and her finger bloody. She looked at the girl and she started crying taking everyone off guard she chuckled.

Giving the boys back taking the girl in her hands " I am sorry little one " she placed her on her chest and she stopped crying immediately.

" What was that? She's never cried before " , " that was my little angel telling me she wants my attention" she chuckled " they can talk " she voiced.

" What ? How?" , " I don't know but they can " , " will you name them now ? We're so tired of saying boy 1 boy 2 and girl" they chuckled.

" Carl , Carlos and Carol " Liam voiced " they hate it" Ari voiced " mhhh Ace , Caden and Alicia " , " I love it" Ari voiced.

" So Alicia here say they don't like drinking blood in the morning they want breast milk" , " no they will drain you and your blood" Amarillo voiced.

Ari pulled out her boob and Ali started sucking right away " we all know they would never hurt me " once Alicia was done she took Caden and started feeding him.

Then Ace " its just for mornings" after feeding the kids were fast asleep.

Liam lifted up Ari to the living room where the others met them.

" Fiona how can you speak to them?" , " It's not the kids but they wolves , the kids need the milk and wolves need the blood , if you all are concerned about them sucking my blood then ill pump " , " yes do that " Liam voiced.

" If you can speak to them its easy , mom couldn't speak to us but your father was the first to talk between us , I was more aggressive like Ace , I bit mom alot when I was hungry , I was also the reason why we had to be separated " , " it wasn't your fault we were all in pain" Anita voiced.

"Pain?" Liam asked " when we grew up and our powers awakened we didn't know how to control them and would hurt one another , Zitec he was the only one of us who figured how to shield us from harming mom , Amarillo he didn't know of anything just like Azitec , his wolf is aggressive and isn't good with people so he fought almost wiping out our whole pack , mom had to seperate us and learned that she can't visit us for long or everyday , when he learned how to be one with his wolf things got better mom could visit for longer hours and Zitec would shield her " Anita explained.

" The same will happen to Ace , a God of War goes through this at an early age" Amarillo voiced.

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