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A year later
Things have been looking good for everyone.

The kids were growing, Liam and Ari were doing good , she was no longer insecure , her weight was back to normal.

Dallas and Elester were expecting, and so was Anita and Peter.

Today was the mating season, werewolves and human were allowed to look for they mates it was a season for both worlds and it was celebrated in the human world.

Werewolves were given places to sleep everything was going well.

Amarillo was at the castle in his room " Rillo won't you go down?" , " No " , " what if you find her?" , " No " , " Rillo!" , " Cyrus stop we both know if I go down there ill mess up everything no one would enjoy themselves out of fear " , " but how will you find her?" , " If we're meant to find one another we will don't worry about it , now go on enjoy your evening" he shoed him off.

" Fine" Peter got up and walked out. Amarillo couldn't sleep he kept tossing and turning, he walked out and into the garden.

He walked around the garden stopping when the most intoxicating smell hits his nostrils.

On instinct he follows the scent , a beautiful brown eyed woman came into his view she had her back to him , he dress was hooked in one of the roses torns he walked closer to her and helped her dress out.

" Thank you" she voiced , he turned walking away but she held onto his arm " uhmm I am sorry to bother you but I am kinda lost " , " lost?" , " Yes I am kinda new here and I took a walk in the garden reading my book " she held it out for him to see " but got stuck and I forgot my way , could you uhmm point me into the direction of the castle? Please" she smiled her dimples showing.

"I am heading that way so ill walk you" he turned walking away she skipped running trying to catch up with him , she tripped and he caught her " be careful " he pulled her up straight with his arm around her waist.

" Thank you " , " why aren't you at the festival?" , " Uhmm I don't know if you notice but I am pretty much old and I don't think dating at this age is something I want to try " , " firstly you don't look anyday past 20 , anyone who would date you would be lucky you look beautiful , secondly don't ever doubt yourself and thirdly werewolves don't really go for looks we go with our hearts and loyalty is our thing" he took a step forward.

" Then why weren't you out there?" , " Well because people fear me , I don't want to ruin the fun for everyone" , " fear you ? Why? You don't look like the type to be agg..." He pinned her against the tree lifting her up , without thinking she wrapped her legs on his chest and he chuckled swinging her to his back so he gives her a piggy back.

" Did anyone tell you anything about werewolves?" , " Yes my brother did he told me of someone I should avoid and never look into his eyes ever " , " who?" , " A guy named Amarillo he said I'd know why if I saw him" he kept quiet.

" You didn't answer me why are people scared of you?" , " I am the God of War no one but my mate and family members can look my way", " do you have a partner ?" , " No " , " you must be lonely, if people fear you" , " mhhh" she kept quiet as the view of the castle came.

He placed her down " I am Lenize let's be friends " she had her hand out looking straight into his eyes he locked his hand in hers " Nice to meet you Izzy , I am Amarillo " she gasped he bent to her level his face inches infront of hers he kissed her forehead then pecked her lips.

" And your mate , goodnight princess " he spinned her around spanking her so she can move walking inside she gasped touching her ass , her face flush red she took one last glance at him and walked inside he chuckled going back to his room.

The next morning it was time for breakfast everyone was already in the dining area " ill go get Rillo he has locked himself in his room since last night and hasn't eaten anything" Peter got up but sat back down when Amarillo walked in.

Lenize looked up from her plate and locked eyes with him , he moved grabbing a chair pushing the King to the side so he can sit next to her.

" Good morning princess" she flushed red " uhmm morning" she bit her lower lip Peter sat down " I see " he voiced , Amarillo watched as Lenize ate her food slowly his eyes not leaving her , everyone in the table ate quietly looking at them.

She cleared her throat " everyone is staring stop" , " I don't care about everyone " , " will you not eat?" , " Will you feed me if I said no" she looked at him and bit her lip.

He ran a thumb on her lips " if you keep doing that I might just reconsider and eat you instead" she gasped her ears turned red her cheeks flushed.

" Stop it , just eat your food " , " feed me " she looked at him after a while she huffed " fine " she picked up his plate putting it infront of her and started feeding him.

He pulled her chair closer bringing everyone's attention to them again and the king cleared his throat.

" Care to explain what's happening?" , " I don't have to explain myself to you" he answered " she's my sister" , he turned looking at him " and I am her mate " he swallowed down a lump on his throat looking over at his sister.

" Maa..te?" He asked and she nodded giving him an apologetic look " you just got here , you can't leave" , " is th..." Lenize placed a hand over his squeezing it and he looked at her.

" Brother , weren't you the one that told me that , when one is mated to a werewolf they can't live apart , that you'll get sick and everything, I know I just got here but ill visit I promise" , " so you're really leaving?" , " Leron I am 35 been single all my life , you brought me here so I can find love and stop burrying my face in work all the time , now that ive found him why do you want me to stay ".

" Do you know who he is ? How will you stay with him? Will you b.." , " mind your words " Amarillo warned.

" I am worried about my sister am I wrong , she just came here a few days ago , how will I know she'll be okay?" , " My brother is many things but he would never hurt his mate , look at him , when have you ever seen him sit and have a plate full of breakfast let alone being fed? He has eyes only for her he didn't even see me sitting here chocking on my juice ,no werewolf would hurt they destined partner , I get that you're worried but lets be clear he has searched for her for years he won't hurt her now that he's found her".

" Atleast stay for a few days , let me plan your wedding, I want to see my sister happy too and she must visit me all the time" , " don't t.." , she cupped Amarillos face " just a few days yes" he nodded laying his face on the crotch of her neck taking in her scent.

" But we're sharing a room and you will not get in between us " he voiced getting up lifting her up with him.

"Like now don't follow us" he walked out with her and Peter and Dallas laughed.

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