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Back at the pack Elester and Dallas were inseparable.

" Now that you're good with your mate I see you forgot about everyone else" Peter voiced getting into his office.

" I didn't think you wanted to talk to me after your little tantrum" Dallas answered.

Peter sat down and Elester walked out giving them space.

" So can she hear them?" , " You heard them too?" Dallas nodded.

" But why can't Anita and Amarillo hear them" , " maybe it's cause they're family and they're blocking them just like they're doing with Liam" , " maybe" Peter voiced getting up looking outside the window.

" Should we tell them?" , " About what?" , " His parents we need to tell him " , " no , Amarillo forbid it " , " I am not one of his men he can't tell me what to do".

" Can't I?" Amarillo voiced walking in " Amarillo I..." , " You will tell Liam nothing is that clear?" Dallas nodded.

" I can't kill you as your son will be Peter's successor but I will make sure you feel pain every day" he looked at Peter.

" Since when do we have secrets ?" , " Rillo I was going to tell you " , " when? After talking to Dallas?" He frowned.

"Amarillo don't take it out on Peter w.." , " stay out of this Dallas this is between me and him" Peter turned looking back outside.

" You're not mad because of this you're mad I didn't talk to you about your sister getting married in the human world , I am sorry Rillo but even I just found out and I was trying to figure out my feelings around it ,I know you worry and blame yourself for us not being able to be together this would've made things worse and you wouldn't have focused".

" Cyrus you should've told me , I would've found a solution sooner , what if she was pregnant? Do you think you would've been okay? When she lost that baby before it almost killed you , how can I not blame myself " , he turned and looked at him.

" I am sorry , I should've told you , I wa.." , " it's fine just stop hiding things from me" he nodded.

" Now that you boys have made up let's talk about the problem at hand" Dallas voiced " if its about the kids and us not being able to hear them that's because of Anita she , how do I put it , she binded her powers when she went to the human world , and us being together she blocks me from doing , seeing or doing certain things unless she isn't with me " he looked at Peter.

" You'll need to live in your house when we move back , I don't want to fall back on work , only Fiona can unbind her , but I don't think she knows how" Dallas hummed.

" How is she?" , " Still weak she actually needs you but I know you can't leave yet but when you get time visit her , I am worried she looks thin and weak she can barely walk" , " open a door for me , I have 30 minutes to spare" he got up and Peter did as asked.

She was asleep on the couch and Liam had gone hunting.

Dallas ran a hand over her and paused near her stomach, Liam walked in.

Dallas moved back and walked into the other room.

" She's not healing , and its draining her " Liam was panicked but held himself together " what do we do?" , " Her wolf is not awake what's w..." He paused feeling Anita's presence.

He cleared his throat " looks like Anita isn't only blocking you but her too" , they all looked her way , Liam pulled Anita in and sat her on the floor.

His hand on her head his eyes closed , he moved back and stood up " when did you meet with the witches? " , " Witches!?" They all shouted.

She bit her lower lip " she's sick , I sensed it when we were helping Ari give birth" Dallas voiced.

" Ani what's wrong?" Her eyes started tearing up " I have cancer stage 4 , I have a month left to live " Peter stood in one place not moving.

" I went to the witches because I wanted them to unbind me so my wolf could wake up and I could start healing , but they did something to me instead, I am sorry I just didn't know what to tell you " , " you're draining my wife and probably everyone in here " Liam voiced.

" Liam y..." , " No I am sorry but my wife and kids come first and she's putting them in danger , look at Ari she's so thin even her bones are showing and it's only been four days with her , how do you think she'll look the next days , I am sorry but I want you out of here now!" He pushed them out of his way and walked out.

" Ill talk to him " , " don't!" Peter voiced taking Anita's hand and walking out with her " what about you ?" Dallas asked " she's my mate I won't abandon her we'll come back when Fiona feels better" he walked out , stealing one last glance at Amarillo

Amarillo didn't say a thing, he didn't even look their way he just opened up a door for Dallas and walked to the kids room picking Ace up and feeding him.

Ace had a way of keeping him calm , Liam picked up his wife placing her on the bed.

Dallas got back to his office , Elester walked in immediately sitting on top of him , he buried his head on her chest and she rubbed his back.

" Is everything okay?" , " I was thinking maybe tonight I should mark you" Elester looked down at him.

" First tell me what's wrong" Dallas explained everything to Elester.

" I can help them " she said " I can heal Ari and lift the spell on Anita " Dallas looked up at her.

" I am a witch remember " she got up holding his hand she waved her hand murmering something and a door opened they walked into it and were at the glass house.

She walked to the room and Liam got out of the shower " what are you doing? How did you get in here ?" , " I can't stay long , ill explain another time but I can go anywhere my mate has been " she let go of Dallas hand and sat on the bed next to Ari.

She placed a hand over her stomach and Amarillo walked in " who let a wit..." He paused seeing Elester.

Ari coughed up blood and woke up " she should feel better , I need to go " Amarillo held her arm.

" If I stay it will not be good for the kids " she took his hand and Dallas and they vanished.

They were now at Peter's house she walked to Anita taking her hand in hers she murmed a few words and she collapsed with Peter catching her.

He placed her on the bed and walked back down " explain" , " I can reverse my mom and aunts spells , witches are thought family spells first before the actual spells , mom plans ahead when she doesn't see into the future she does things like these , I am sure she knew that one day Anita will be with you both and will drain you " she explained.

" So you can go anywhere I've been , how?" , She took Dallas hand in his " the reason I told you to wait in marking me is because of this , you may have binded the glass house but if you've been there I can follow you in but only for an hour , if you mark me my aunt and mom can also enter where I've been , and that will put the kids in danger , Ari and Liam are still weak they won't be able to fight them , Peter and Amarillo are being drained and so were you , no one would've been able to protect the kids" Dallas looked at her.

" Why didn't you tell me all this before?" , " You didn't trust me before , you still don't" she voiced he squeezed her hand " you won't betray me will you?" , " The moment I decided to follow Peter , I had already chosen to be by your side , I know it will take time to gain your trust but I ready for it all" , " Lina" , " mhhh" , " let me mark you" she turned looking at him.

" If I don't I swear ill go crazy, you said everyone will be okay right? So we all can protect the kids but who will protect you " he closed the gap between them pushed her hair to the side and bent down marking her.

She gasped from how fast everything went he licked on his mark as his eyes flickered from black to red.

Peter opened a door for them and Amarillo chuckled " please leave us with our miserable unmarked and mated lives and do this elsewhere" he voiced and they walked out.

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