~14: Baguio~

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"Hi! Welcome to--" an unknown blonde greeted as Kiyoomi Sakusa, a tourist, opened the door of his rented transient house in Baguio. The obnoxious guy wasn't able to finish what he was saying because Kiyoomi closed the door on his face as soon as the black haired male heard his pitch.

The blonde knocked again and apologized for startling the tourist.
"Hey.. Open up, please."

Slowly, the door creaked open.
"Who are you? What do you need?"

"HI! Name's Atsumu Miya. I'm Japanese too! You are as well right?" the blonde, a little shorter than Kiyoomi, introduced himself.

"Yes. Are you visiting here too?" Kiyoomi asked as he stepped out of the door, hoping that this guy in front of him isn't a bad guy whatsoever. They're both from Japan anyway.

"No. I've been thrown-- I mean, living 'ere since 2 years." Atsumu said bitterly smiling, but turned his head away quickly and frowned.

"Oh. So what do you need--" Sakusa halted as the guy cut him off.

"I need money!" the blonde blurted as he faced Sakusa again.

Kiyoomi stepped back, his right hand holding the knob of his fucking door-- why the hell did I opened this door?! If he's going to rob me, I haven't learned my lesson since I dropped off in Manila-- fuck shit! Kiyoomi thought as he turned the door knob opening his door slightly.

"Aaah! No.. No.. Please! I didn't mean to scare ya!" Atsumu quickly apologized as he saw the terrified expression Sakusa made.
"I'm not gonna do anything bad! I promise!"

"Only people who would do bad would say that!" Sakusa said and pushed his door wide open before getting inside and immediately closing the door.

Unfortunately (unluckily or whatever), Kiyoomi realized what he had done. As the tourist was closing the door, Atsumu's initial reaction was to stop it so he placed his hand on the door before it landed on the doorframe. He screeched in pain as he pulled his left hand away from the door.

Shocked, Kiyoomi pushed the door, and got himself outside.
"You're such an idiot!" he yelled as he looked at Atsumu who is teary eyed, clutching his injured hand.

"'m sorry-- Just tryin' to get some customer-- I saw ya checked in alone-- thinkin' maybe ya want a tourist guide while ye'r 'ere in Baguio-" the blonde explained, flinching at the pain of his hand.

"Tourist guide... I... I don't need one. Shit... Your hand's bleeding... Tsk. Come on, get inside. I'll patch you up." Sakusa offered
"Are you sure you're not manggogoyo?" he added after he closed the door.

"Pfft. Course not... Where'd ya learn that word?" Atsumu asked slightly laughing.

"Sit down here. I'll get my first aid kit." he said and went straight to his room

Sakusa attended to Atsumu's wound, and sighed as he looked at the other's hand. He stood in the middle of the room after picking up his first aid kit from the floor.
"What are you thinking doing that?"

"I just thought that I'll lose my chance to get a customer if I let ya go, ya know." Atsumu admitted smiling.
"Anyways... There are so many questions ya haven't answered yet."

"Do I need to?"

Atsumu nodded.
"What's yer name? Why are ya 'ere in Baguio? Are ya really all by yerself in this cold city? And where didja learn that word manggogoyo? And most importantly-- wanna take me as yer tour guide?"

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