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Kiyoomi Sakusa has been hospitalized for as long as he entered his teenage years. He's been confined since he was thirteen, and he currently is 15.

He grew skinnier and skinnier each day as he stayed at the local hospital in their little town in the seaside bay.

His condition isn't getting well, and the doctors even admitted to his parents that the young boy would only last until 18. So what's the point of having Kiyoomi stay in that place if they already knew what's gonna happen?


That's what it gives them-- Hope-- That each day surviving is a day to cherish. His parents, Sachie Sakusa and Yukio Sakusa, are hoping to see their youngest son surpass this cancer.

One Day...

"Hi!" a young boy with golden yellow hair appeared inside Kiyoomi's room.

"Who are you?" the sick boy slowly sat on bed and turned his head to the boy wearing an old japanese yukata.

Kiyoomi frowned at how strange that was. No festival is coming near so it was surprising to see someone wearing such clothing. Just then, he noticed those cat ears raising on top of the boy's head.

"Are those real?" Sakusa questioned, curious.

"Don't mind them.. I'm Miya Atsumu. Just call me--"


"No! No... Call me Atsumu or Tsumu! I'd like to be friends with ya!" the energetic boy said as a bright smile appeared on his face.

"You ... want to be my friend?"

"Yeah! I mean... do ya mind if I stay around ya know?" Atsumu asked as he voluntarily sat beside the bed-- eyes wandering around the room and all the apparatuses in there.

"Does it hurt? Are ya hurt?" he asked as he looked at the IV attached to Kiyoomi's hand

"Yes. It hurts. Everything hurts." Kiyoomi admitted.

"Are ya alright-- ummm... what's yer name again?"

"Kiyoomi... Kiyoomi Sakusa."

"Woah! Kiyoomi! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful creation of God. Ya are wonderful and strong, being able to have the strength to endure all these!" the blonde boy commented, bringing a small smile to Kiyoomi.

"You think I'm strong?" Sakusa asked, this time frowning.


Sakusa smiled bitterly.
"No matter how strong I may be... I'm still going to die anyway so it doesn't matter--"

"It does matter. Being strong and believing in yourself makes all the difference in the world. Believe in the magic of life--"

"Magic isn't real! God isn't as well--"

"Ye'r wrong!" Atsumu argued.

"Then if that's true, why would I have to suffer... to suffer like this?! Why me of all people!?" Kiyoomi sobbed before looking away brushing his tears away.

"Ya don't have to hide it, you could cry.... We're friends... and I wouldn't mind seeing ya tear up..." Atsumu consoled as he sat beside Sakusa on the bed. He slowly moved some hair off Kiyoomi's forehead and intently looked at the boy.
"Ya know what.... I want to show ya something! It's so wonderful that it'll bring smile to yer face! Come on!"

"I can't... There's an IV attached to--"

"What IV?" Atsumu asked smirking and Kiyoomi realized that the needle connecting him to the hydration bag was loosen on his side.

"How'd you do that?!"

"Magic! Come on!"

"I can't... My body's too weak--"

"I'll help ya..." Atsumu excitedly jumped off the bed and runs outside the room

Confused, Kiyoomi tried to move his body and stretch his neck to see the door.

"Ta- dah! I found this wheelchair outside! Let's go!"

"The nurses might see us!" Sakusa said anxiously.

"Nah!" the blonde boy replied before assisting Kiyoomi into the movable chair.

Once sitted comfortably, Atsumu started pushing the wheelchair into the corridor. Since the day Kiyoomi got admitted in this hospital, he never stepped out of his room except CT Scans, x-rays, and other tests. It was all new to him.

In his deep thought, he didn't realize that he and the boy just stepped into the rooftop of the hospital.

"Look, Omi!"


"Yeah! Yer nickname... Cause one day, we'll meet again, and I'll call ya that... and you'll remember me and we'll be friends forever! Isn't that exciting?!" Atsumu Miya said as the wind blew hard, together with this are the petals of the sakura tree in the nearby mountain park.

"I don't get it, Miya-- I mean Atsumu..."

"You'll get it soneday-- somehow... One day. I'll see ya soon, Omi!"

"What--" and everything turns black.

Sakusa Kiyoomi was declared dead after he was found on the rooftop of the hospital alone, laying on the floor unconscious.  There are rumors about spirits and ghosts wandering around this place... and probably they are the ones who brought Kiyoomi Sakusa upstairs.

As the legend says, one fox spirit has been roaming around this place. One boy with a golden hair and bright smile.

Present Day.
"Welcome to the team, Kiyoomi!" Atsumu greeted.

Sakusa raised a brow. They have never seen each other for so long, but he couldn't even recall being close to the setter. They were together at the youth camp, but they never once talked. So why now?

"Do ya believe in reincarnation?" Atsumu questioned as soon as they started warm up.


"Ye'r so cold! Grrr.." the blonde chuckled.
"It's alright though, we still got forever for you to realize that it's true, Omi."

Eyes widened, Kiyoomi stared at Atsumu's face and recognized those familiar bright smile.

Kiyoomi smiled.
"I guess."

~The End~

Just got inspired by this...

Just got inspired by this

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