SPELL-- Part 3

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"Weird. Ye'r so weird. Did ya wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Tsumu?"

Sakusa shook his head quickly in response and ended the call.

"No... Just right." He answered as he stared at the younger twin. Damn... This guy is hot... Literally.

Sakusa for sure blushed as he saw Osamu standing in the middle of the room, removed his shirt, and used a towel to dry the sweat away. Sakusa would lie if he said he wasn't drooling over Osamu Miya!

"'m cookin' breakfast, whatdyalike to eat, Tsumu?" Osamu asked but didn't receive any response.

"Tsumu? Why are ya lookin' at me like that?" he added as he noticed the blonde staring so much.

Like Kiyoomi was kicked out of his trance, he snapped out of it and shook his head abruptly. Osamu raised a brow and thought deeply to himself. Something is really odd about Tsumu this morning. I could observe him today and probably confront him later about it.

"Tsumu... Ye'r coming with me and Suna later, right?" the younger twin asked and stretched out.


"Arcade." Osamu responded unenergetically. Usually, he would go out with Suna alone, but Atsumu insisted so Osamu agreed just for this weekend.

"But there are so many people—" The blonde stopped realizing what he said. "I mean, it would be full since it's weekend."

"Ya insisted comin', Tsumu—"

"I... I know! I'm coming with you and Suna."

"Not great but okay. Anyway... Just noticed... what happened to yer accent? Suddenly gone, Tsumu?"

"What do you—" Shit... I COULD NEVER DO KANSAI DIALECT! He freaked out inside but composed himself quickly. "Just hungry perhaps."

Osamu didn't look convinced about his brother's reply but shrugged it off. At least Sakusa thought.

"Well then... I'll be headin' downstairs. Better be ready by 8, 'kay?" he reminded.

Who wouldn't want to date Osamu? He knew his stuff in the kitchen, and he was very caring. He may be harsh with words but Osamu is definitely a good catch.

Kiyoomi, being in Atsumu's body, started eating the breakfast prepared by Osamu and damn... his face froze still. This food is heavenly!

"This is so amazing!" He complimented the younger twin.

Osamu looked surprise by this and stared at his brother for a constant minute.

"Didya do somethin' bad? Or did ya bump yer head somewhere?"

"I didn't—what?"

"Ya never say my cooking was good because ya believe ya cook better... and now ye'r praisin' me.. That's givin' me chills. So what did ya do?"

"I swear... I didn't do anything nor bump my head somewhere."

Osamu quickly stood off his chair, walked in front of his brother, and closed the distance between their faces. The younger twin scanned Atsumu's face, studying his brother's reaction.

Sakusa Kiyoomi inside that body freaked out by this sudden closeness between them thus making him red in the ears.

"Wait—are ya sick? Ye'r so red in the face?" Atsumu shook his head and averted his eyes away, still beet red.

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