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"Ummm... Hi."

"Tsumu, what's wrong?"

"Nah... This is Osamu. I just called to inform ya that Tsumu collapsed during practice this morning--"

"Collapsed?!" Kiyoomi Sakusa gasped as panic rose on his tone

"Yeah. Collapse... Passed out, fell unconscious, he got a high fever--" replied the younger Miya

"I... I'll be there... Is he okay? Is he admitted at a hospital? Give me the details, please."

"I just called to inform ya, not askin' ya to drop everything else and travel hours just to be here. I'm not tryin' to be rude or anything... It's not necessary for ya to waste yer time going here to Hyōgō just to see someone sick--"


"Didn't know the famous Sakusa Kiyoomi is a very soft kind of person. Are ya this kind of guy who makes efforts to everyone ye'r chatting with? Tsumu and ya had been talking online for only three months, right?" Osamu said sounding more sarcastic and offending than earlier.

"Tsumu and I are friends."

"Friends? Aren't ya a germaphobe or somethin'?! I just told ya that Tsumu's got fever... aren't ya afraid of germs and viruses? What Tsumu got may be viral infection or somethin' like that. Aren' ya supposed to be scared of catchin' anything unhealthy?"

"I'm sorry but I don't get your point here. Tsumu and I are friends and I like to make sure he's okay so I'm going there. You don't have to tell me not to. My anxieties isn't your problem, Osamu-kun, I'll manage. I just wanted to see Tsumu."

"Hmmm.. Okay. Bye." Samu hung up before he placed the phone down the bedside table.

He smirked watching his sleeping brother.
"Someone's in love." Samu mumbled and placed a  folded wet towel on Atsumu's forehead.

~To be Continued~

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