A Day at the Day Care...

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"I'm outside already." Kiyoomi said over the phone while scrunching his nose. "Ne-chan, there are too many people here." He complained gaining some looks of those who heard him.

Kiyoomi doesn't care about what these people are saying or thinking about him. He just wanted to deliver his sister's food and go home.

"Stop complaining, Kyomi. Just bring my lunch to my classroom, I'm starving!" his older sister, Kimiko, whined.

Kimiko Sakusa is a Day Care teacher at a primary school near their grandparents' house, but a three-hour journey from his parents' abode. She is staying with her obaa-chan and ojii-san in the meantime. She usually goes home twice a month to visit his parents and oftentimes, she enjoys disturbing her youngest brother, Kiyoomi to deliver her food and drop by their grandma and grandpa after school. This was the first time she asked Kiyoomi to bring her food to the primary school, so the guy wasn't really familiar with the ambiance around here. They didn't grow up here so this is so new to him.

"Where exactly is your room, Ne-chan?"

"PRE-3... Look for the sign board above the door, Kyoomi... Bring it now... I still have a meeting at 3:45pm..."

"I don't think that's my problem to worry about." He smirked as he started walking inside the small building. He hangs up the call.

Everyone was taking a second look at him, probably because he was still wearing his corporate attire. He had just gone out of a conference that afternoon and went straight here since his sister kept bugging him about spicy tempura. He canceled all his other appointments and bought the food his sister had been craving for almost three days now.

He found the classroom and slid the door open. He saw his sister sitting at the table in front busy scrolling on her phone.

"Good afternoon- Oh, it's you, Kyooming!" She blurted as she stood and rushed toward her brother.

"Stop calling me that, Ne-chan... It doesn't suit me-"

"What are you talking about, not suiting you!? It does fit you because you are soooo cute like a kitty cat-a grumpy kitty cat." She teased and grabbed the plastic which Kiyoomi was holding. "Thank you for this!"

She sat down on her chair and quickly removed the food from the plastic.

"Are you that hungry, Ne-chan?" Kiyoomi commented taking a few steps near the teacher's table.

She nodded and took a tempura for a bite, but even before she could eat, one of the teachers entered the room.

"Sakusa-sensei, the meeting is about to start in 5 minutes." She said and smiled as she noticed Kiyoomi. "Oh. Who is this? Is he a parent or guardian?" she inquired

"WHHHHHHAAAT... Already? I haven't eaten yet!" she complained ignoring the question thrown at her.

"I am not a parent-" Kiyoomi answered.

"Don't tell me, Sakusa-sensei, he is your boyfriend!?" she blurted.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL-Hana-sensei, can't you see the resemblance between us? HE IS MY YOUNGER BROTHER!!!!" she corrected and the other teacher looked at her and at Kiyoomi, studying the two.

"OOOOOHH.. Right, you two really are identical... But he is definitely hot." She said giggling.

"He's gay." Kimiko stated making the other teacher's eyes widen.

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