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Kiyoomi's POV

On this special day, Atsumu's wearing a white suit and black tie. He looked amazing with his golden hair combed perfectly highlighting his amazing facial features. He's dazzling, dashing, and bright. His eyes are shimmering with excitement and he's obviously nervous as he walks down the aisle.

Today is indeed special.

As I kept staring at him, I couldn't believe that it was happening right here, right now. The preparation was exceptionally exhausting yet exhilarating. Atsumu was very happy and thrilled with all of the things going on. I have witnessed everything since Day one, how his smile turns into more magical scenery. He became the most beautiful human being as the days near to this date.

He stepped closer and closer, with the song playing in the background... His eyes were tearing up as he walked slower and eventually stopped as he carefully wiped the tears of joy running down his cheeks. He is smiling, trembling lips, and excited eyes. You know at first glance that he's getting emotional.

Osamu walked beside his twin and probably encouraged Atsumu to continue walking. Tsumu did.

And that's when our eyes met. I stared at him, completely entranced by that beauty. I smiled at him and he smiled back. It was so beautiful-- more gorgeous than the first time we met.

I have been in love with him since the day we had our first personal encounter. He easily broke down the wall I created, easily charmed me. He could easily bring out the smile on my face, and know the facade I am showing. He knew me through and through. I let my guard down-- and that's when I realized... I love my setter, I love Atsumu.

This time, it's my tears that blurred my vision. I quickly brushed them off.

"Kiyoo... Are you okay-" Komori began but I cut him off.

"Yes. But I think, I need some fresh air." I said as I rush to exit the building

I sat down on a small wooden bench just outside the church, and let the tears roll down. It was comforting yet painful.

"Kiyoo... Are you alright? We could just go." Komori said standing right in front of me, as I looked down to the grassy ground, finding the calm I needed

"I'm okay... I can't just go... You know... He... He personally... invited me... He wanted me here... and for the last time I want to... want to... be... part of his life... Even if it means... He couldn't love me... the way I do... Komori... Damn it... I... I have so many chances... I screwed up... thinking that... that... I... I still had the chance..."

"Kiyoo..." He sobbed as well as he pulled me for a very tight hug. I buried my forehead on his shoulder as I cried and cried all the regrets I have...

"I could have just... told him that I... I like him... I had the opportunity... too many opportunities I wasted... I... I'm so stupid... I could have... admitted it when we first met at the camp..."

"I sworn that I would when we both entered the same university, but I felt afraid... I was so scared of rejection... I told myself that few more years waiting won't be in vain.... but I'm wrong... When we met again on the team... I thought it's gonna be a perfect time to confess, but I just kept running away." I bit my bottom lip as I felt dizziness take over my head. My lungs feel like it's running out of air as I reminisce about all these feelings.

"When you told me, that somehow... I should be brave enough... I realized I lost my chance... I lost the person I love the most right in front of my eyes... Before I even know it, Atsumu was there... excitedly telling me how Kita proposed to him... All I could do is smile and pretend... Komori... I... I can't..."

It was so quiet after all that outburst.. My cousin just kept running his palm on my back as I calmed down from all the crying

"Let's just go home."

"No... I... I want to see him."

I want to see the person I love one last time... I want to see Atsumu before he finally get married to Kita Shinsuke.

We went back, and stood there as the newly wedded couple shared their first kiss. I clenched into my suit and smiled biiterly.

It could have been me.

~The End~

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