Four: Horror Play

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"Man, I quit

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"Man, I quit." Ray groaned, the music stopping just as she sat on the ground. They were rehearsing for Uptown Downtown, the opening night a few days away. "I hate this. Why me?"

"Because all great actresses practice in between breaks." Mr. Reed, their teacher, said for the fifth time since she was casted. "Ready?"

"Ray, come on." Beck called out, giving her his best puppy eyes. Which he got a loud groan from.


"I don't know." At first, it was hard to practice with Robbie. They couldn't stop giggling. Then, they eventually got serious.

"Oh, come on! Why can't you admit you're in love with me?" This line got the most giggles from them.

"...why are you in love with me?"

"Because you're beautiful. Look at your face in the moonlight."

"I can't."

"She's so good." Tay whispered from behind the curtains, being shushed by some of the students. "Man, fuck y'all."

"You can."

"No, I can't." She smiled a bit, making sure it leaned more toward being sad. "A person can't look at their own face."

"W-well then, marry me! And I'll buy you thousands of mirrors!" Robbie held her hands.

"That's so many!"

"My father's a billionaire! I can give you everything you've ever wanted. And," She could see the laughter in his eyes, taking a deep breath. "I'm very good looking."

"Mm.. yeah."


"Lights!" The spotlight on Robbie went off and the one on Beck turned on, Ray turning to him.

"I don't know."

"It's okay that you don't know." Here is where her mind usually went blank and she had to ask for her line, even if she was holding the book in hand. Because the love in Beck's eyes was pure every time they looked at each other, and sometimes she couldn't handle it.

"But you deserve an answer." Ray applauded herself for remembering to speak.

"I can wait. For you, I would wait a thousand years. I know I'm poor, I know I don't have much to offer, but I do love you."

"I know I'm not as flashy as those other guys, and I'm significantly lacking in the money department, but I actually really like you for you."

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