(Old) Thirteen: Ping Pong Scandal

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"Throughout our whole relationship, you've allowed me to go down on you twice

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"Throughout our whole relationship, you've allowed me to go down on you twice. I don't think that's fair." Ray and Beck were making their way to the Rec Room when Ray brought up what she had been thinking. "And the times we engage in any sexual activities, almost all of them are you going down on me."

"I don't see the need for you to do that." Beck shrugged, Ray chuckling and patting his shoulder.

"It's cute how you think I do that for your pleasure."

"Not as cute as you thinking I do it for yours." The couple smiled mockingly at each other as they entered the room, Ray sitting on the couch and Beck pulling her legs on his lap.

"Woah, who pissed in your coffee?" Ray asked when Jade stormed into the room while reading something on her phone, Tori smugly walking in after her.

"Beck, you're up first." Jade said after explaining the situation, Beck patting Ray's legs as he got up. He lost, then Andre lost, then Cat got scared so she lost, then Robbie got a ball to the balls and lost, then Rex lost, then it was Ray's turn. "Meet the best person on the team."

"I compare ping pong to tiny human tennis." Ray said, spinning her paddle in her hand. "Or as you guys say, dodgeball."

Tori served the ball and the two went back and forth for a while until Ray smashed the ball and Tori wasn't quick enough to recieve it.

"Well?" Tori asked breathlessly, Ray going back to her spot on the couch.

"You didn't make the team." Jade said as she found a loophole in Tori's plan, a smirk on her face.

"What?! I beat everyone except Ray! That's good enough!" Tori argued.

"I don't care. Read the schools website." Jade said as she walked over and handed Tori her phone.

"'When a student tries out for a sports team for which there is no coach, the team captain shall decide if the student is granted or denied acceptance to the team.'" Tori read out loud, handing Jade her phone. "So?"

"Captain says de-nied." Jade sung out, a petty smirk on her face again.

"But you can't-! You can't just-"

"Read the phone Tori. Read the phoooone." Jade said as she put the phone in Tori's face, the girl snatching her wrist down and glaring at her.

"Don't you steal my phone in face bit."

The next day they were back in their practice room, except they were playing twister.

"Ray, left foot on blue."

"Dude there's no way she's gonna get that without knocking us down." Robbie said when he saw that Ray had to swing her leg over both him and Andre to get it. She took a deep breath before tossing a leg over both of their torso's, steadying herself before she could fall.

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