Chapter 3: Work of a mafia

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**Warning: Torture, mentions of blood. Feel free to skip until you see 3 red hearts**


I went to the dungeon to see our prisoner. We captured a spy from an enemy mafia and he only gained consciousness yesterday and we've been trying to get answers from him but he won't talk. Maybe because he wants to talk to me personally? I wonder what story I'll hear today.

Alexander: We tried everything but he refuses to talk.
Carlos: You didn't go far enough.

I went into the cell with Alexander. The room was dark except for the light which shone on him. He was tied to a chair with chains tied in such a way that if he struggles, it tightens.

Carlos: Santiago, correct?
Santiago: You won't get anything out of me.
Carlos: You'd make your recovery so much quicker if you tell me who sent you and why.

That's a lie. I never let my prisoners leave alive. Even if he answers me, I will kill him anyway.

Santiago: ¡A la mierda! (Fuck you!)

Alexander tossed me my flame torch and I caught it without looking, on instinct. I switched the light off and switched the torch on. The blue flame from the torch illuminated the room and I saw the fear light up in his eyes as I walked closer to him. I smirked as I watched him desperately try to break off his chains, only to have them tighten to the point where blood began to draw out of his wrists. I rested the flame torch just above his thigh.

Carlos: Who sent you and why?
Santiago: I was sent to gather information about any weaknesses which could prove vital to my leader.
Carlos: I don't have any weaknesses. Both of you should know that. And who sent you?
Santiago: His identity must be kept private-

He screamed in pain as the flame made contact with his skin. I watched as a hole was burned through his skin.

Carlos: Answer me!
Santiago: Never!

I moved the flame up to his chest, where his heart is.

Carlos: You have one last chance before I kill you.
Santiago: Then do it!

I grinned and took my gun from the holster on my belt. I pointed it to his forehead.

Carlos: Are you sure?
Santiago: I'd rather die than betray my leader!

I disabled the safety on my gun and fired into his forehead. His head dropped and blood dripped down his face. I enabled the safety on my gun and put it back in the holster. I switched off my flame torch and gave it to Alexander.

Carlos: He's from the Phoenix Mafia.
Alexander: If you knew then why'd you torture him?
Carlos: Torturing my enemies is fun. Clean up the mess, lo tengo? (got it?)
Alexander: Sí jefe. (Yes Boss.)

I wiped the blood off my hands and left the dungeon. I went to my room to change my bloodstained shirt.

**It's safe to continue reading from here**



A maid had escorted me to my room. I found out that her name is Isabelle. I wonder what Carlos had to do? Probably mafia stuff. I mean, it's obvious. What else would he do?

Isabelle: Do you need anything else Ms Romanov?
Astraea: No thanks, and please just call me Astraea.
Isabelle: If you insist, Astraea.

Isabelle then left, allowing me to get comfortable. In the middle of the room, there was a king-sized bed with a small table on each side. Across from the bed was a fancy vanity. On the left was a walk-in closet with clothes which most likely belong to Carlos. On the right side of the vanity, was a kinda large bathroom. There was also a desk near the door. Hold on, are we supposed to share this room?!

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