Chapter 8 pt1: Chilling

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The next morning (9am)


I opened my eyes and adjusted them to the brightly lit room I was in. I sat up and stretched my arms, letting out a yawn before climbing out of bed. I hopped into the shower and did my usual routine. I then got dressed in a white hoodie and black shorts which came up to my knee. I brushed my hair and tied it into a ponytail. I walked out of my room, down to the kitchen. I saw Angelo (Carlos's dad) making himself a cup of coffee. He looked up at me with a smile.

Angelo: Good morning Astraea. Did you sleep well?

I nodded and smiled back.

Angelo: This is the first time I'm actually speaking to you.
Astraea: Yeah, it is.

We went into the lounge and sat down across from each other on couches.

Angelo: So, how has your stay been?
Astraea: It's been good, nothing too crazy has happened...yet.

He laughed quietly.

Angelo: I take it you're the adventurous type?

I nodded and chuckled. I heard footsteps enter the room so I looked away from Angelo. Lexi was standing there with a tray of pancakes and hot chocolate. Damn those look delicious!

Lexi: Morning Sir. And good morning Val! I brought you some breakfast.

YAYY IT'S FOR ME!! I took a deep breath to calm myself down. If there's one thing that gets me excited like that, it's pancakes! I love pancakes! Angelo nodded in acknowledgement. Lexi put the tray on my lap and hugged me.

Astraea: Thank you!

I took a bite from the pancakes and smiled. They. Are. Fucking. Amazing!!!

Astraea: These are amazing! Did you make them?
Lexi: No, Alexander made it. I can't cook to save my life.
Angelo: We let her cook when we want to poison our enemies.

They laughed but I was too focused on the heavenly pancakes I was eating to laugh as well.

Lexi: ¿Ella sabe sobre la mafia? (Does she know about the mafia?)
Angelo: Su padre es el líder de la mafia italiano más peligroso. Supongo que ella sabe. (Her father is the most dangerous Italian mafia's leader. I'd assume that she knows.)
Astraea: Well I'm not involved in the mafia but I know about it.

Lexi snapped her head towards me in shock.

Lexi: So you can understand Spanish?
Astraea: Yeah, mostly. I have been practicing.
Lexi: Impressive. Anyway, I've gotta go. Training starts in like five minutes.
Angelo: Alright Lexi. See you later.
Astraea: Wait, where's Carlos?
Lexi: Oh he went over to your dad's place for a meeting. Something about the alliance or some shit.
Angelo: Lexi, language.
Lexi: Lo siento señor. (Sorry Sir.) Bye Val!

I waved to her as Lexi rushed off. It looks like Angelo doesn't like swearing.

Astraea: Aren't you going to eat?
Angelo: Oh, I already ate earlier this morning.
Astraea: Are you sure? I don't mind sharing some of my pancakes with you.

Angelo laughed and smiled.

Angelo: You're so sweet. I appreciate it but I'm good thanks. I'll leave you to eat in peace. I've got some work to do. I'll see you later then.

I nodded and smiled, and he left. I continued to enjoy my breakfast. I'll make sure to thank Alexander later.

An hour later

I finished eating so I washed my plate and then sat back in the lounge, looking through my phone. Matteo and Alexander then walked in and sat down on couches.

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