Chapter 7 pt2: Confrontation

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After taking Astraea back to the house, I drove to the Romanov Estate for our meeting. Hearing her sing, talking to her, the way our faces were just inches apart makes me crazy. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I've never had someone who makes me smile like she does. She always has a smile on her face even though she's hurting a lot on the inside.

Then I came back down to earth, realising I was going to see the people who caused Astraea so much pain ad trauma. My plan is to tell Diego (Astraea's dad) about the abuse that Valeska and Levi put her through. From there I plan to torture Levi and Valeska to their deaths.

Soon enough, I pulled into the driveway, where Diego was waiting for me. I got out of the car and he smiled at me.

Diego: Buenos días Carlos. (Good morning Carlos.)
Carlos: Buenos días Diego. (Good morning Diego.)

We shook hands.

Diego: ¿De qué querías hablar conmigo? (What did you want to speak to me about?)
Carlos: ¿Aquí están la señora Romanov y Levi Díaz? Creo que deberían ser parte de esta discusión. (Are Mrs Romanov and Levi Diaz here? I think they should be part of this discussion.)

He nodded and led me inside. We sat down on the couches and a few minutes later, Valeska and Levi joined us. As soon as they saw me, they were both scared and confused. They sat down across from me, with Diego.

Carlos: Diego, did you know that Astraea has been abused for the past six years? Since she was 12?

Valeska and Levi were instantly consumed with fear but they were trying to hide it from Diego. I looked directly into their eyes. I know they know I found out. Diego was just angry. Furious even. The kind of anger one would only get from a father.

Diego: What?! By who? How did you figure that out?

I looked from Diego to Levi and Valeska. They were pleading for mercy through their eyes but I didn't give two shits.

Carlos: Yesterday, when I picked up Astraea, she was limping and weak. That already got me suspicious. Then this morning, she opened up to me about it. She was injected with a paralytic drug which disabled her ability to fight back.
Diego: Who the fuck did it?

I grinned as Valeska and Levi continued to beg for mercy with their eyes.

Carlos: Valeska, Levi, you've been quiet. What's on your mind?
Valeska: N-nothing! It's just...heartbreaking to find out that my daughter has been abused.
Levi: And right under our noses. She must've been threatened so she hid it.

They started fake crying and I rolled my eyes with a scoff. Diego looked from me to them.

Carlos: It is heartbreaking. What's worse is that she was abused my her family, people in this household.
Diego: Valeska, Levi, what is he talking about? Why does he keep looking at you like that?
Levi: We have no idea!
Valeska: You really think we would do such things to her?
Carlos: That's not what the camera footage shows.

At that moment, they all turned to me. I played the footage on m phone for them to see. From where Valeska locked her in the room to where Levi left her beaten up and bruised on the bedroom floor. Diego's eyes filled with pure rage and sadness. Diego grabbed Valeska's arm tightly.

Diego: You've been abusing my daughter for six fucking years, and then had the audacity to lie just now?! You and Levi are fucking sick!
Valeska: Well she's practically useless! If it weren't for her, Camilla would've been marrying Carlos.

Levi took out his gun and aimed it at Diego. I took mine out and aimed it at Levi. Just then, Camilla walked in.

Camilla: Astraea is not in any way useless. In fact, she's a better person than I am. She actually knows how to take care of herself. She's kind and sweet, and not afraid to stand up for herself. If Carlos chose her then obviously he sees that. I spent my whole life thinking I was perfect because that's what you drilled into my head. I didn't realise you would go so far as to degrade my sister to get me there!

Well, that is true. I did choose her because I could see that. I'm glad to see that they, as sisters, stand up for each other.

Camilla: Carlos, Dad, please don't kill them. As much as they deserve it, it's not right.

I scowled and Levi and I put our guns away. Diego let go of Valeska's arm.

Valeska: Oh thank you, Camilla.

Valeska reached to hug Camilla, but Camilla stepped back.

Camilla: I am not a little trophy for you to show off. And Astraea is not your punching bag. The next time any of you talk to her, it should be an apology to Astraea. Not just with words, but a grand gesture. Also, the cops are outside so you might as well just hand yourselves over.

Levi and Valeska's faces dropped and they walked out. They were handcuffed and taken away in police vehicles.

Carlos: Thank you for doing that but I would of loved to take care of them myself.
Diego: You and me both.

Diego hugged Camilla.

Diego: I'm proud of you Camilla.
Camilla: Thanks Dad.
Diego: I'm such a terrible father. I couldn't even see that my daughter was abused in my own house.
Camilla: None of us would've known if she didn't tell Carlos. She hid it pretty well. She must trust you a lot, hm?

She smiled teasingly.

Carlos: It took a lot to get it out of her but maybe she does...

I smiled at the thought of Astraea trusting me, at thought of Astraea in general. Something is going on with me...

Diego: Thank you Carlos.

Diego then hugged me, which caught me by surprise but I hugged him back.

Carlos: I should probably get going now. I've got some other meetings to attend to.
Diego: Right, of course. We'll see you at the engagement party.
Camilla: Engagement party? When?
Carlos: It's in four days.
Camilla: And I'm only finding out now?

We laughed.

Camilla: Am I the only one who didn't know?
Diego: Uh...everyone else knew...
Camilla: Damn, okay. We'll see you then.

I nodded and just as I was about to leave, Camilla grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her.

Camilla: Take care of her, okay?
Carlos: You can trust me to do that.
Camilla: Hey Dad, I also have to go now. I need to pick up Astraea's gift.
Diego: Okay Principessa. Be safe, okay?

She nodded and Diego smiled at us before leaving.

Carlos: Her gift?
Camilla: Yeah, it's her birthday in three days. The day before the engagement party.

Was she even planning to tell me? Was ANYONE planning to tell me?

Carlos: Do you know what kind of things she likes?
Camilla: She loves books, as in she's pretty much obsessed with them. If you want to get her that, it has to be dark romance, mystery, fantasy or thriller. If you want to get her clothes then get her casual, tomboyish clothes. If you want to get her jewellery, get her rings or necklaces. Also, her favourite colours are black and red.
Carlos: Thank you Camilla.

Camilla smiled and I then left. I'm already a few minutes late but they'll wait. I started driving off to the venue. I've got a long day of meetings to get through.

I should definitely get Astraea a nice gift or two. It will hopefully make her happy.

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