Chapter 26: A mafia wedding

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The next morning


I stared at my reflection with a smile on my face. I've dreamt of my wedding since I knew what it was and now it was happening. An arranged marriage to the most dangerous Spanish don in the world, one whom I fell for and then got heartbroken by, wasn't part of the dream but the rest was. Camilla came up behind me with a bright smile on her face.

(Astraea's dress⬆️ She's wearing silver heels underneath the dress

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(Astraea's dress⬆️ She's wearing silver heels underneath the dress.)

(Astraea's hair⬆️)

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(Astraea's hair⬆️)

Camilla: Oh my gosh you look like a princess!!
Astraea: Thanks Camilla.

I smiled through my reflection in the mirror.

Camilla: Are you still angry at him?
Astraea: Yes. How do you accept that someone you love is ashamed and scared to admit how he truly feels about you?
Camilla: I was angry when I found out about the abuse, but underneath all that anger was love for my mother and love for you. You're upset because you love him. He was wrong to say that, I don't doubt it, but he was scared that you'd be put in danger, or even killed. He thinks you hate him.
Astraea: I don't hate him.
Camilla: Then let him know.

I turned around to face Camilla.

Camilla: I saw the way he looks at you and how you look at him. Every guy that looks at me only wants sex. You, on the other hand, found a man who loves you to the point that he'd burn the world and stand in the flames for you. You can't let it go because you found what so many others wish they had.
Astraea: ...What if there's more he's lying about?
Camilla: Then when he tells you, you'll get through whatever shock that comes with it. But don't put your walls up because you're scared to love him. Any kind of relationship is built on trust, and if you want to have a good marriage that's something you need. He's scared too. He's scared he'll hurt you beyond repair and lose you forever. This cold shoulder thing is causing more harm than good to both of you. Talk to him later, okay?
Astraea: Okay, I will.

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