Chapter 25: Night of rebellion

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The next morning


I was up for quite a bit of time last night, finalising everything for the wedding and Val's initiation. I heard Astraea shouting at Carlos yesterday. I advised Alexander, Matteo and his family to give them space. Mr. DeLuca (Angelo) had gone to speak to Carlos. Mrs. DeLuca (Maria) wanted to speak to Astraea but she had fallen asleep. Mr. DeLuca asked me to take over Carlos's work for the night so I did. I finished everything and still got a good night of sleep. I'm very close to shouting at Carlos too! I heard everything they were saying, we all did, and it broke our hearts. It's one thing to keep a secret from your lover, but it's another thing to say she means nothing to you and never will. Whether he meant it or not doesn't matter. He shouldn't have said it in the first place!

I'm sitting in my office, at my desk. My office is fairly neat. The books and files that contain information on everyone we know were neatly organised on a shelf in the corner. My paperwork and other files were organised in my desk drawers. The paperwork I'm busy with now are spread out across my desk, along with pens and highlighters. I have a small couch in my office, opposite the bookshelf. I twisted mine and Val's friendship necklace that hung around my neck with a finger from my left hand, while writing some notes with a black pen in my right hand.

There was suddenly a knock on my office door, bringing me out of my concentrated daze.

Lexi: Come in.

The door clicked open and I looked up to see Giovanni enter.

Giovanni: Good morning Lexi.
Lexi: Good morning Giovanni. Is everything alright?
Giovanni: Yes, everything's good. I should be asking you that though. You seem stressed.
Lexi: I wouldn't say I'm stressed, just very focused.
Giovanni: Would you like some help?
Lexi: No, it's okay.

I scribbled down another note before dropping my pen and smiling.

Lexi: I'm done. Thanks though.

He nodded, mirroring my smile. His bright blue eyes stared into mine. They remind me of a cloudless, summer sky.

Giovanni: I-I just came to check on you and make sure you're not running on two hours of sleep.
Lexi: Don't worry, I'm running on ten hours. I appreciate that.

Something swirled in my stomach as he smiled a gentle, kind smile

Giovanni: I'm gonna go now. I'll see you around.

I nodded. We smiled at each other and after a hot minute, he left and closed my door behind him. He has such a pretty smile... I shook my head to bring me back down to the work in front of me. I'm all done but I feel like there's something else... I read through all the work again and it was completed. So what was I forgetting?

I searched the office with my eyes, as if the answer will pop out from some corner. My phone then rang. Astraea's name popped up on the screen. I picked up and brought the phone to my ear.

Lexi: Hey Val. Why are you up so early?
Astraea: Hey Lexi. I just woke up and I'm hungry for some breakfast.

As if on cue, my stomach growled softly.

Lexi: I am too. Meet you in the kitchen.
Astraea: Yes!

She cut the call and I put my phone into the pocket of my jeans. I left my office, locking it behind me, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Astraea joined me a few seconds later. She jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly. I squeezed her back.

Lexi: Missed me, huh?
Astraea: Yes I did.

She let go of me with a soft laugh. That's when I noticed her red, puffy eyes and the faint dark circles underneath her eyes. Her eyes were a duller shade of brown than usual. She was wearing a tank top and sweatpants with her hair tied up into a ponytail. I examined her arms for any cuts but she responded like she was reading my mind.

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