Chapter 20: Learning new skills

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The next day



Yesterday, at dinner, Enzo apologized about the whole idea he had. I forgave him but that doesn't mean I fully trust him again. He offered to teach me how to shoot while Carlos had to take care of a shipment, so here I am walking to the shooting room with Enzo at my side. The air between us was tense...really tense... He opened the door for me, allowing me to slip inside the shooting room, before closing the door behind him. It was just us in the room, probably because Carlos's soldiers were in the other training room. I watched Enzo set up targets before coming up to me.

Enzo: You ready?

I nodded. He took his gun out from the holster on his waistband and stood on my right.

Enzo: Alright, take your gun and hold it like this. It's important to keep both your hands on the handle.

I held the gun inbetween my hands, raising my arms up.

Enzo: Good. Now, position your hand over the trigger.

I did as he said. The familiar feeling of my hand on the trigger rushed through me and flashes of the night I shot my mom filled my head. I took a deep breath, silencing the thoughts.

Enzo: This is how you should always hold your gun until you are fully comfortable with it. And just a tip, don't hesitate. A gun can protect you in numerous ways. It's quick but dangerous. Do not pick up a gun if you're hesitant. A gun can be fired just like that.

He clicked his fingers to demonstrate.

Enzo: Never hesitate to pull that trigger if you have to. Got it?
Astraea: Got it.

I kept my focus on the targets in front of me. I took a deep breath to stop my hands from shaking. The feeling of the metal in my hands didn't scare me anymore and I felt confident. Enzo held his gun the same way I was holding mine.

Enzo: Keep your focus on the target. When you're ready, shoot.

I focused on the centre of the target and disabled the safety.

Enzo: 3. 2.

Enzo lowered his gun and I had a bad feeling.

Enzo: 1.

The sound of a gunshot rung through my head as I spun around, keeping the gun aimed at Enzo. He gave me a confused look.

Enzo: Astraea, what are you doing?
Astraea: You tried to shoot me.
Enzo: No I didn't.
Astraea: Then what was that gunshot? Because it sure as hell didn't come from me?
Enzo: Astraea I wouldn't try to kill you. That would be a literal suicide mission, with both Carlos and your father as the killers.

He stepped towards me but I clenched the gun harder, resting my hand on the trigger. Suddenly, the door flew open. We turned our heads to see Alexander walk in. He looked between us and then saw the gun I was pointing at Enzo.

Alexander: I'm scared to ask if everything's okay...
Enzo: Did you hear a gunshot or anything similar to that?
Alexander: That was me. I was making sure my gun was operating fine after reloading it. Then I thought I'd cone check on you guys.

I let out a gasp and lowered my arms, dropping my gun on the floor. Alexander walked towards us and looked at me.

Alexander: Why did you have your gun pointed at Enzo? Did he do something?

I bit my lip and shook my head. I dragged my hand across my face, into my hair.

Astraea: Sorry, I panicked. I'm just jumpy and paranoid. Trust issues, y'know?
Alexander: It's understandable.

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