Chapter 4: Exposure

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Carlos: You're gonna help me infiltrate the Phoenix Mafia to take back the cargo they stole from me. All you have to do is pose as one of their soldiers and gather information that can be used to make the mission easier, as well as destroy them. If all goes well, you won't have to engage in any violence.

I don't want Astraea to get hurt, especially since this is her first time being involved in a mafia mission.

Astraea: And why did you want me to do it? Don't you have enough soldiers?

So many questions. She's so curious, it's cute.

Carlos: This is a secret mission. Only four of us, including you and I, are doing this. And I asked you because they are an Italian mafia and an ally of your father's.
Astraea: I can do that.
Carlos: You'll work with my assassin, Matteo, aka the Black Knight.

We had gotten to the car which Alexander would be driving us in. Matteo was leaning on the car, checking his phone.


Carlos: Matteo!

He looked up and stood upright as we approached him. So this is Matteo? He doesn't exactly look like he's capable of being an assassin. His face is too flirty.

Carlos: Matteo, this is Astraea, my fiancé.

I smiled at Matteo.

Matteo: So you're the girl who won the heart of Carlos DeLuca? You're actually prettier than your sister.
Astraea: Thanks?
Carlos: Never talk to her like that again.
Matteo: So I can't complement her? No me digas que realmente te gusta, ¿verdad? (Don't tell me you actually like her, do you?)
Carlos: No seas ridículo. Este matrimonio es falso. (Don't be ridiculous. This marriage is fake.)
Matteo:¿Entonces por qué la protector repentina? (Then why the sudden protectiveness?)
Carlos: ¿Olvidaste que soy tu jefe, o necesitas recordarte? (Did you forget that I'm your boss, or do you need to be reminded?)
Matteo: No senõr. (No Sir.)
Carlos: Tu trabajo es seguir mis órdenes, no para coquetear con mi prometido o me pregunta. (Your job is to follow my orders, not to flirt with my fiancé or question me.)
Matteo: Lo siento senõr. (Sorry Sir.)

I could kind of understand the conversation. It sounded like Carlos was warning Matteo not to flirt with me. Matteo sat in the passenger seat. Carlos opened the door for me, and I got into the backseat. Carlos joined me and we then started driving off.

Carlos: Astraea, this is Alexander, aka Siri. He's my hacker.
Alexander: It's nice to meet you Ms Romanov.

So formal, but he's cool. He has pink hair and blue eyes.

Carlos: One more thing.

Carlos handed me a gun with his initials on it.

Carlos: Do not use it unless your life is in danger and Matteo can't protect you.
Astraea: I'll take care of it.
Matteo: Do you even know how to shoot?
Astraea: Yes I do.

That's a lie.

Matteo: I didn't know Hunter taught his daughters how to shoot.
Carlos: I thought he kept the mafia hidden from you?
Astraea: He didn't want me to be involved yeah, but he taught me in case of an emergency.

Okay that's also a lie. Dad never let any of us get near a gun. I didn't even use it when training with the soldiers. Oh well, they don't have to know that.

Matteo: You brought a rookie on a mission to the second most dangerous Italian Mafia?!
Astraea: Sorry but my dad owns the MOST dangerous mafia.
Carlos: Qualunque cosa venga fuori dalla bocca, meglio è una scusa per Astraea o nulla. Capito? (Whatever comes out of your mouth next better be an apology to Astraea or nothing at all. Got it?)
Matteo: I don't speak Italian.
Carlos: Could you translate for him Princesa. (Princess.)

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