Chapter 5: Best Friend Reunion

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The next morning, 9am


I woke up to rays of sunshine hitting my face through the curtains. I stretched my arms and yawned while walking into my bathroom. I took a quick warm shower and afterwards I did my usual routine and got dressed. I put on a red slim-fit shirt and black cargo pants, along with black sneakers. I brushed my hair and tied it into a ponytail.

My stomach growled so I made my way to the kitchen. I greeted the maids and butlers that walked past me in the passage. Then I saw Camilla. Once she noticed me, she ran up to me and gave me a hug.

Camilla: It's good to see you Astraea. I thought you wouldn't come back. By the way, I'm sorry for being a bitch. I overreacted.
Astraea: It's alright Camilla.

I hugged her back.

Camilla: So, where were you off to?
Astraea: The kitchen. I'm starving.
Camilla: It's a good thing I ordered muffins then.

My eyes lit up. She smiled and went to the door to collect her order. We then sat down at the kitchen counter. She gave me a chocolate chip muffin and she ate a blueberry muffin.

Camilla: So, is everything okay with you and Carlos?
Astraea: Yeah, everything's good. I just missed you guys. Is Mom still mad?
Camilla: Kinda but she'll get over it.

Dad then came in.

Diego: Buongiorno signore. (Good morning ladies.)

Dad kissed our foreheads. He tried to take a piece of my muffin but I grabbed his arm.

Astraea: Don't.

Dad laughed it off and made himself some coffee.

Diego: I'd love to spend some time with you girls but I have some arrangements to take care. I'll probably be busy the whole day.
Camilla: It's okay Dad.
Diego: I transferred some money into your accounts if you want to go shopping.
Astraea and Camilla: Thanks Dad.
Diego: Were you planning anything?
Camilla: Well I'm going out with the girls soon.
Astraea: I plan on hanging out with Leo today.
Diego: That's nice.

Camilla's phone vibrated. She checked it and then stood up, sliding her handbag strap over her shoulder.

Camilla: And that's my queue to leave. I'll see you later.

She hugged us and left. Dad also hugged me before leaving. Great, I'm alone again...

I stood up to go to the training room, hoping to find Leo. But I saw Leo coming down on the stairs.

Leo: Val!

He ran to me and hugged me tightly.

Leo: It feels like I haven't seen you in forever.
Astraea: I know right.
Leo: It's hard to believe that my best friend is getting married! Actually it's not, you're fucking gorgeous, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.
Astraea: You and me both.
Leo: But is it all good? Is he treating you well?
Astraea: Yeah he is. Where were you rushing to?
Leo: Oh, I'm going to the training room. Marcus and Ian are waiting for me.
Astraea: I'll come with you. It's been a while since I've trained with you guys.

He hesitated but agreed. I followed him to the training room. When I opened the door, everyone stopped what they were doing. They all greeted me with smiles on their faces. Marcus and Ian then approached us.

Marcus and Ian are part of my friend group, along with Leo, and they're both soldiers. Marcus, aka Dark Horse, is the more energetic and confident one. He has brown curly hair and brown eyes, with freckles across his nose and cheeks. Ian, aka Ice, is the more charming one and he's the best in combat, after me. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He's my sparring partner. Leo is the chill, laidback one but he's more crazy with me. He has navy blue hair and silver eyes, and he's always smiling. Leo is an assassin.

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