Chapter 23: Mafia business

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The next day



Yesterday, Carlos went out for drinks with his and my brothers. While they were out, Matteo and I watched The Vampire Diaries until we finished season 8. Today, I'm going out with Leo, Marcus and Ian. Not to the arcade or the movies or something. I'm going with them on a mission!!! Surprisingly, Dad suggested it to me and I agreed, so he was okay with letting me go. This mission is only for Leo, Marcus, Ian and I to complete. I was wearing a slim fit t-shirt, leather pants and combat boots, all of which were black. Dad recommended that I bring my daggers for this mission, instead of my gun, so i had my daggers in their seperate cases attached on the waistband of my pants. My hair was tied in a low ponytail and my black facemask rested underneath my chin.

Dad was with us in the conference room to go over the plan. When we're busy with work, we use each other's code names. Mine is (The) Dragon. I chose it when I went on my first ever mission with Carlos. It feels like forever ago.

Hunter: Ghost and Dragon will lead Ice and Dark Horse to the vault where my shipment is being kept. Ghost, Dragon, your jobs are to make sure Dark Horse and Ice can retrieve and return the cargo with no trouble. Dark Horse, Ice, your jobs are to make sure the cargo is returned here. You'll have to work fast to avoid suspicion. And no one leaves no one behind. Protect each other out there.
All of us: Yes Sir!
Hunter: Move out.

Dad hugged me before we left.

Dragon: I can't believe my dad allowed me to come with.
Ghost: We may of had a part to play in that.
Ice: We're really persuasive.
Dark Horse: The car is ready for us. Is everyone's earpieces fine?

We all checked out earpieces, making sure they were connected and functioning.

Dragon: Is everyone armed?

We double checked our weapons.

Dark Horse: Let's move out!

We pulled our facemasks over out mouths and noses, and followed Marcus to the car. Ian and Marcus took the front seats while Leo and I took the back seats.

5 minutes later

We had taken an underground shortcut to get to this warehouse so quickly. It's a minor rival of my dad's. I can't remember the name of the mafia though, and either way it's not important.

We got out of the car swiftly. Leo and I went ahead. He went to the back of the house while I came to the front. I checked the door handle and found it unlocked. My earpiece then buzzed and Leo's voice came through in a hushed volume.

Ghost: 5 soldiers, just as we predicted. Doors are unlocked too. The back door leads directly to them. According to the blueprints, the front door leads into a passageway that then leads to them.
Dragon: I'll move in first and then you can move in. That should give me enough time to get to the room they're in.
Ghost: Good idea. Be careful.
Dragon: Will do, Ghost.

I turned the door handle and pushed the door open slowly. Thankfully it didn't make a sound. I closed the door again and quietly walked through the passageway. I heard the back door break down. I got to the end of the passageway, which led into the room. Ghost had a gun in each hand, directed at two of the soldiers. Ghost spotted me and gave me a slight nod. The soldiers were seated, keeping their eyes on Ghost with their backs towards me.

Soldier 1: One against 5? Hunter has officially lost his mind!

I cane in and looped my arms around two soldiers. Each of my daggers pressed against their two throats and they turned to me in shock.

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