Chapter 1 That Night ~Electricity's POV~

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This story is for entertainment purposes only! Please dont take anything in this story to heart or think it is real! (and of course the picture is Jeff)


It was 5:00. I slowly, and lazily, got out of bed and got ready for school. I did my hair, got dressed, and did my makeup. (your outfit )

I finished putting on my bracelets and went to brush my teeth. After I was done I got my backpack and screamed to my mom that i was leaving.

"LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO DIE IN A HOLE!" My mother screamed back at me.

"Whatever... I hope you die tonight..." I muttered to myself.

I made my way to school.

When I got to school, THEY were there. The three girls. Britney, Ashley, and Niome. In the past (more like five days a week) they are just like my parents, they bully me.

I tried to make my way past them, but I heard Britney call me.

"Hey *****!" She yelled. "Get over here!"

I've tried hard all my life not to hurt her, her dad is the principal. Well all of their dads are the principal... they are fraternal triplets. I walked over to them.

"Are u talking about me..? You've done more guys then me, considering that i AM still a virgin." I said with my head down, secretly smirking.

"Oh? You wanna start talking back? I'll show you what happens." She said as she lifter her fist and punched me. I heard a crack. She broke my nose. The only way i was able to tell, since i couldn't feel any pain, was the warm liquid that slowly flowed down over my lips and dripped of my chin.

I suddenly felt a feeling in my chest. I smirked while looking up at her and licked my lips. I kicked Britney to the ground. I felt a teacher grab me by my waist and pull me to the office. While i was being dragged, i was smiling.

After an hour of sitting in the office, waiting for my mom to pick me up, i noticed that no one was in there at the time being. I took this chance and just got up and left. I didn't really give a crap at this point.

I walked to my house and then walked through the front door. I started walking up the stairs to my room, But i heard Ryan's voice. I dropped everything and ran into the kitchen. I saw him and ran to him and hugged him. He hugged my back. From the corner of my eye i saw my mom say 'I love you' to my brother, but then just glare at me. She walked out of the front door, She was probably going to go get drunk.

I talked to my brother for about an hour and told him what happened at school. He smiled and gave my a high five. when he did, he saw the scars on my wrist and frowned.

"I thought you were going to stop..." He said, disappointed.

"Sorry... things have just gotten worse..." I explained to him.

After awhile I went out for a walk. I left Ryan alone...


I was walking through the forest. As a child, I all ways loved walking through here. And i still do. I just find the forest calming. Its just so quiet.

After about an hour of walking, i kept hearing static. It was like what you hear in the game SLENDER... It was bothering me... But it seemed I heard it as a child before...Suddenly, in the distance, I saw something. It kinda looked like a white face with a very thin, branch like body and arms.

Then, just like that, it was gone. I stopped, confused and curious. I continued to walk to where i saw the face. While i walked, I checked the time, It was almost midnight. I decided to forget about the face and start heading home. About three minutes later, I heard something. I stopped walking and listened. Suddenly, I felt something grab my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. Then, I saw it. The Tall man. He had a white face, with no facial features, but you could tell where the eyes, mouth and etc. WOULD have been. He was very tall, maybe 7-8 feet? he appeared to be wearing a black suit with a red tie. As soon as i saw him, I said the name in my head.



I couldn't believe it. I thought he was just a Creepy pasta, An urban legend!!Then i noticed somebody was with him. He was only a little taller then me. He was wearing a tan and brown hoodie, he had the hood up. He had a gold ish- brown pair of goggles covering his eyes and a black and grey striped bandanna covering his mouth. He was holding two hatchets. One looked old and rusted and the other was newer, but both covered in fresh blood. Finally, Realization hit me. So i ran. I knew that Slenderman could catch up to me in an instant, but I still ran. I looked back, and they were gone.


I was a block away from my house. I was still running when i bumped into somebody. He was wearing a white hoodie that seemed to have red stains on it. He looked like he was coming from my house. As I bumped into him, he stopped and looked at me. I yelled to him saying sorry, but i kept on running.

After about a minute i was in front of my front door. I went to open the door, it was unlocked. I slowly opened the door, then wished i hadn't. I saw my mom, laying lifeless in the living room. Her neck was sliced open and her organs were laying next to her on the floor. Blood was all over the walls. I ran to the kitchen. I then suddenly stopped and i felt my heart stop also. I felt stomach acid come up my throat, but i held it back.

There, laying on the floor, was Ryan's lifeless body. His neck was sliced open, his guts also on the floor. He had cuts and slices all over his body. I noticed that his face was also cut, but in a different way. There was a bloody smile stretching from ear to ear. It looked like Jeff The Killer's smile. I fell to my knees. It was recent. The blood from the bodies were even still warm. I pulled out my cell phone and called 911.

After about five minutes, The cops arrived. The paramedics bagged the bodies and took them away, while the cops led me out of the house. While i passed my moms death point, i noticed something. It was on the wall. It read, in blood:


My eyes widened as i processed the name. I started to cry. It has been a while since I've cried... it kinda felt good.

As the cops drove away with me in the back of the car, i noticed the guy i bumped into while i was running to my house. He watched as we drove away. He was smiling. Thats when it came to me. That long black hair, That smile, Those black ringed eyes, That white hoodie with red stains. It was him. My mom's, my brother's, and possibly my dad's murderer was standing not anymore then 10 feet away from me and it was someone i knew, someone i was terrified of. Jeff he Killer himself.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! i know its kinda long, but its that start of everything.

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